Took me way too long not to see Juanitos
Took me way too long not to see Juanitos
Aliterate as all Americans almost always are
The store clerk’s mouth
Enter recovery mode and choose factory reset. The specific key combination for your device may vary.
Any of them still receiving security updates would be fine.
Spotify was selling them for $30 shipped a while back
No, you demonstrate love and unconditional acceptance and support. Today they’re babbling on about something that happened at ballet, tomorrow they trust you enough to talk about their relationships and teachers and the bully at school.
Kids have enough time in their day to learn social convention - they also just need a safe environment to unpack everything with their parents.
Accurate. I used Sync for Reddit until they were forced out. I then switched to Sync for Lemmy for the familiar interface, the ease of setup, etc. Sync literally brought me to Lemmy.
Since then I looked around and still prefer this app. On a side note: why does the UI for Voyager on Android look like some old version of iOS?
Hate all you want but Sync being popular is a good thing for Lemmy adoption.
I haven’t given up on my Plex server but this is so much easier. Hand my kids the remote and they can navigate the Stremio app and watch whatever without me having to hunt for it.
Definitely not 38 special, that’s a straight wall cartridge you’d expect to see in a revolver. Also, it’s hard to tell but this looks much bigger than say a Glock 42 that would be chambered in .38 caliber. My guess is this is a Glock 17 which is a 9mm, but it’s really hard to tell from the picture.
Also this clearly isn’t made of sheet metal.
I know you’re just trolling or whatever, but I’d love to have some reasonable answer to what a non-cowardly response is supposed to be if there is some armed person trying to hurt me or my family. The police response time where I live is 30-45 minutes. I don’t want to shoot someone, I hope I never have to, but if it’s either me or them? Well that’s what makes having guns practical.
Just because of the color?
Power stone was such a great game. Didn’t it also have little mini games on the memory card?
Well when you live in the country, they’re home fries.
And that’s why I’m still using Tintin++ - it’s free and it’s great!
We’ve had pretty good luck with this Kobalt
The thinking is that a gunshot is always lethal force. If you want to stop the threat most effectively you aim for center mass. So in this case someone is attacking you with a weapon capable of causing death or great bodily harm and legally you can defend yourself with deadly force.
Isn’t that from Ready Player One?