• 51 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I still don’t see what the issue is with the laptop side, looks stock to me. the plastic that got broken off is from the battery’s connector and it hinders the bent pin to make solid contact with the laptop side, right? short of superglueing/epoxying it in place and straightening out the bent pin, don’t see what else there is to be done.

    edit: nevermind, you answered that already in another reply.

  • can you get an additional photo of the laptop’s connector, can’t make out what the issue is from this angle.

    did something similar with a battery for an old macbook (same connector as pictured) and what I did was transplant it from a non-functioning battery. a word of warning, don’t dick around with fixing that connector with a fully loaded battery, shorting it can result in a burn-you-house-down mishap, them things can’t be extinguished once they catch fire.

  • very cool, thanks for posting. what’s laid bare here is the scam where if you keep at it, you’ll eventually get there - look at the joe rogans and the linusestechtipses, they kept at it and look at them now! the burried lede being that it’s virtually impossible to penetrate that level and at the same time being under google’s thumb, microdosing your cut and evermore shrinking the crumbs that get to you.

    the issue with overpaying for production someone raised is valid, but even with reducing it to like a 10th of what she’s paying, it’s still nowhere close to “making it” in terms of sole income of a single woman with kids and whatnot. be that as it may, the script folder and the food beautifier and the scalper for this and that have to go, like yesterday, and them kids are now promoted to iphone recorders co-directors of photography immediately.

  • as a direct product of enshittification, google and friends routinely undermine the open internet and make life difficult for people who selfhost, businesses and private parties alike.

    so your emails not arriving in gmail’s inbox is because google wants you to use gmail and/or their business account, not plain email. there is no mechanism where you can mark a non-gmail correspondent as safe and someone you always want to receive comms from. except, if you offload your sending either to g&f or one of the 3rd-party senders like mailchimp, sendinblue, etc. who have a direct pipe into google’s infra and are not subject to any of those harassment tactics.

    so, not having a .com domain is possibly less ideal, but that pales in comparison to the above; if you’re communicating with non-gmail/outllok/etc contacts, it don’t matter. if you do - again, it doesn’t matter.

  • hatred. just hatred and anger, fueled by seething rage that’s there in a split-second, whenever you need it. when your synapses overflow with visions of screaming mongol hordes burning and pillaging through the C-suite of whatever corpo that’s yanking your chain, the desire to gorge on crap you’re conditioned to consume just fades away.

    that works for anything. smoking. eating meat. you ex you can’t stop thinking about. getting the new GPU. give it a burst of 30-45 seconds of white-hot fury and you don’t want none of that, ever again.

    in the words of the wise denpok singh: “hate in the hands of the enlightened can be a tool for great change”.

  • I can’t fathom spending that kind of money for something that can be easily - as you’ve found out - broken. or lost. stolen. die on its own. not to mention - get a pretty mediocre device for the hefty price.

    seeing as how you have to change the OS on it anyway, maybe look into used ex-flaghip devices. go to lineageOS devices page, filter for RAM and LOS version (22 i.e. A15 at the moment) and check if you can get a used devices locally for like a tenth of the price.

  • I’m not hiding anything, I’m choosing what to share; there’s a difference.

    as to your (somewhat naive) perspective, yeah, having your shit out in the open is a credible threat. the solution is have all your shit private by default and not shared with anyone. then, allow leaks on a case-by-case basis.

    we’re all done (or should be, at least) with the idea that there are laws and regulations shielding us from the now rampant abuse from various threat actors. instead of relying on the government or whoever to enact those regulations, I find it way better to not allow anyone to be in the position to compromise me.

    this is a forever moving target and you’re never going to achieve full security; to paraphrase cory doctorow, that’s a full-time, unpaid job that you’re doing in addition to your existing job. but I’m better off with more security and privacy than without, so I’m ok with the sacrifices I have to make.

  • aside from the obvious, wayland being the default choice on all relevant distros and DEs and being continously worked on, evermore projects switching to it (WINE most recently) whilst X11 is in maintenance-mode, the main thing for me and my deployed fleet is if you’re running a modern laptop, say with a 1080p or better screen, wayland is a must. primarily because of the output (UI scaling, effortless multi-monitor dock/undock) and the input (touchpad gestures, touch screens).

    if your world is a desktop with a mouse and, say, XFCE, then you have very few of these things intruding on you and you don’t really understand the benefits benefit from it.

  • solid rant.

    as to your thing with the addiction to this and that, you hafta learn to hate that crap; it comes naturally to me, so there’s not much effort needed.

    so when you hate alcohol and burgers and cigarettes and whatnot and especially the industry that produces it cutting every corner to make more money and their advertising henchmen masking every turd with sprinkles and cinnamon, then you’re no longer in the “I’m depriving myself of the thing I want”, every time you think of it a flood of anger and rage splashes over you and you simply don’t want none of that crap, ever.

    works for me, your mileage may wary.