Electron. Many apps nowadays are just headless browsers and browsers are huge and complex. It’s nice from a development perspective, because you can (re)use web tools for desktop apps but it’s very resource hungry.
Electron. Many apps nowadays are just headless browsers and browsers are huge and complex. It’s nice from a development perspective, because you can (re)use web tools for desktop apps but it’s very resource hungry.
It’s been a while since that I set this up, so take this with a grain of salt. I have these two plugins installed:
I’m honestly not sure if I even need both - maybe the Chapter Segments Provider is unnecessary, even though it’s official and newer. I don’t understand exactly how it works from the docs.
However, Intro Skipper gives you a new scheduled task named “Detect and Analyze Media Segments”. Use this to extract metadata about media segments from your library.
Now that the server knows about some media segments you need a client that can handle them. I’ve had success with the Android TV App (check the settings) and the Web interface should support them too.
I didn’t need to configure anything aside from that, as far as I can remember.
The media segments feature has been released as of 10.10.0 and it still needs a plugin. Still feels a bit clunky but works already on my Android TV box. I guess there will be more polish in future versions, now that the groundwork is done.
Sadly our car industry slept way too long on electric vehicles and instead doubled down on combustion engines, even by fraudulent practices (e.g. Dieselgate).
Teslas were by far the best EVs for a long time. Nowadays, not so much.
I’m all for removal of the root cause.
Friedrich Merz is also the guy who called the greens and the left “nutjobs” whose “time is over” just a day before the election.
You need more Excalidraw in your life.
Sony being Sony.
Ich habe aufgehört bei Böttcher zu kaufen, als ich erfahren habe, dass rund ein Drittel der Belegschaft die AfD wählen würde.
Udo Böttcher äußert sich zudem positiv über Alice Weidel und reagiert jetzt so empfindlich aufgrund einer Spende an ihre Partei? Kaufe ich ihm nicht ab - genau wie die Waren aus seinem Onlineshop, ha.
Viele können nicht mehr hören, dass immer - auch von Scholz selbst - wieder eine rigorose Abschiebepolitik angekündigt wird, und dann viel zu wenig passiert.
Der fromme Christ Hans-Joachim Vieweger wünscht sich eine rigorose Abschiebepolitik, soso.
Wer allerdings auf keinen Fall ausgegrenzt werden sollte, sind die armen Nazis:
Nun aber heißt es Ausgrenzung. Da sagen Abgeordnete, mit Leuten von der AfD rede ich nicht, denen gebe ich nicht mal die Hand. Damit aber gibt man Grundprinzipien für ein menschliches Miteinander auf. Gerade wer der AfD vorhält, extremistisch zu sein und sich nicht an demokratische Spielregeln zu halten, sollte selbst mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen – christlich gesagt: mit Liebe statt Hass.
Da fällt mir wirklich nichts mehr zu ein.
EDIT: Überraschung, es gibt noch ein paar Bonuspunkte für Homophobie! Herzlichen Glückwunsch Hans-Joachim, du bist mein Arschloch des Tages!
I kinda like YAML for simple configuration files, but the YAML spec is borderline insane.
And don’t get me started with ansible, it never works the way I think it should and almost every playbook or role I write is a pain to get right. When it works, it’s a really nice tool and I couldn’t manage my homelab as efficiently without Ansible, but it frustrated the hell out of me way too often.
We will have more salespeople next year because we really need to explain to people exactly the value that we can achieve with AI. So, we will probably add another 1,000 to 2,000 salespeople in the short term.
Well, good luck!
I can’t wait for the AI bubble to burst. It’s going to be hilarious to see these kinds of CEOs falling flat on their faces. Unfortunately, it will not be the CEOs who will suffer the most from the consequences.
I can recommend Restic with Wasabi S3 as cloud storage backend.
You can’t make this shit up.
It’s fucking BILD. Tell me when those bastards spew something else than disinformation and hatred and maybe I’ll care. Otherwise it’s just business as usual.
I don’t know anything about Android AOSP, so I found this clarification important: