I think they were able to track it for at least 2 frames, thus calculate it’s speed.
I think they were able to track it for at least 2 frames, thus calculate it’s speed.
I feel like she knew the risks of what she was getting into even without embezzling money.
For people wondering why this is suddenly relevant again: Officials denied it during the last Trump admin despite declassified documents showing it was true going back to the height of the Iraq war or possibly sooner. The Trump admin also launched missiles at Syrian airfields without congressional approval.
War is on the horizon, Syria is on the table.
Whats that, sonny? First of the North Star? Nani?
Virtua Fighter was huge. People had never seen a fighter game with 3D graphics before that.
Although the original was in 93.
Fun fact, Ninja Throwing Stars started out as boot Spurs.
It didn’t stay solid upon initial blast impact. Probably didn’t even stay liquid.
Also it would have atomized.
You don’t gotta pay rent, little guy, just stay tf out of my shower, tf out of my bed, tf out of my food, and try not to have more than 50 of your closest friends and relatives over at a time evenly spaced throughout the attic and undercroft.
Do that and I won’t kill you.
Reminds me of that South Park bit about XBox, when Gates shows up to Retire a noncompetitive CEO.
FFX-2 is such a fever dream. It’s not FFXI or FFXII, it’s FFX: the sequel. Sometimes people don’t believe me when I tell them it exists. The reason it exists is because FFX sold millions of copies and raised the bar for Graphics as one of the best looking PS2 titles of all time, being second in sales only to FFVII.
I played the entire game without knowing you can transform by filling up the dress sphere grid until the very end, stomped the final boss with it. I felt like such a moron for ignoring such a powerful core game mechanic the whole time.
Honestly, that guy had a great visual overhaul mod and nobody would have given them any crap for a genitals mod if they had simply separated the two.
This game seems to attract all the strangest modders.
Is this the same modauthor guy thats overly horny for Alyx?
You could make squeaky bed sounds on a desk.
“There are two wolves inside of you. I’m afraid it’s terminal.”
One frame before the blast and one frame after, but semantics.