frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2022


  • Can we just stop bothering with running 3rd party left-wing presidential candidates? Obviously you will never win, but also you won’t “build awareness” either. All that Jill Steins years of campaigning have achieved is convincing normies that she’s a Russian agent or something.

    I don’t want to be overly critical of the PSL, but honestly I feel the same way about their presidential campaign. Yes, I’m sure it makes some people feel good when they vote socialist. But where is the actual awareness building? PSL gained a lot of members and attention in my area after the early Palestine protests. They have not gained anything from this presidential campaign that probably takes a bunch of their organizers time.

  • I kissed a really good friend yesterday, and it was really good and really gay and I think she really liked it too. Neither of us expected it to happen, I don’t think. We were just kind of cuddling and being silly, and she kept rubbing my nose (what’s the not problematic word for this btw?) and I just like kissed her once really quick as like a joke. Then we both stopped and looked at each other for a bit, and then started kissing for real. I’m pretty sure it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. It felt really long, I think? Or maybe really short and felt really long in a good way. I can’t stop thinking about her lips.

    It’s kind of a mess tho. For one, I’m seeing someone right now. It’s kind of this awkward situationship, like we’re not exclusive or anything. But the thing is that kissing her was like way more intense and better than kissing him. Like kissing him is nice, and I was pretty excited the first time, but I didn’t spend multiple days replaying it in my head and thinking about how I want more.

    My friend and I definitely can’t be together. Like we’re at kind of different places in our lives and it wouldn’t work. Honestly she’s dealing with some hard stuff right now, and I’m not sure I would be able to support her through it. Also we’d be long distance, which would be hard for me.

    So like idk I guess I should stop seeing this guy because it’s not fair to him to actually try to be in a relationship when I’m not even that into him, and also probably not kiss my friend any more because I don’t want to hurt her, but like why is it that the most rational option is the one that’s the, like, least fun? Maybe I am being absurd about this.