• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • You can stick your head in sand at the beach, but with climate change the tides may be unpredictable.

    But I thought when I typed this:

    It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly

    I thought it was clear I was talking about the countries unfortunate enough to share a border with a country ruled by a power hungry madman actively invading other countries.

    With the way this is splitting, both sides are going to have at least one.

    Geopolitically speaking, there’s no “good side” which I guess history is like when you’re unfortunate enough to live thru it.

  • “I wish that he would be a statesman and do what is right for Israel. We all love Israel,” former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said recently on CNN about Netanyahu. “We need to help them and not have him stand in the way of that for such a long time.”

    She added, “I think it’s going to invite more of what we have seen in terms of discontent among our own.”

    1. We don’t “all love Israel”.

    2. It’s incredibly concerning leadership understands this hurts the party but won’t even do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

    Hell, it’s not even for the wrong reasons. As they keep saying, it’s vital that we stop republicans. But for some reason that’s not enough of a reason to stop supporting genocidal maniacs threatening WW3

  • The UCLA Police Department interviewed witnesses and victims in connection to the violence that erupted at the encampment, reviewed security camera footage of the masked man and later identified him as On. Pro-Israeli counterprotesters armed with fireworks, gas irritants, and blunt objects violently attacked students and faculty in the encampment for hours as private security guards and campus police watched from a distance.

    But the DA is saying it just happened organically…

    Gascón goes on to say that there is “no evidence to suggest that Mr. On was working in collaboration with any other individuals, and our investigation found no proof of conspiracy or any organized effort by Mr. On related to the incident.”

    It was just a coincidence the attackers all dressed the same, and wore the same white masks totally a coincidence. /s

  • Yes, there were plans for if we joined before we joined.

    Like, that’s what a functional government does, plan things in case they happen.

    Only planning for things you know will happen is absolute insanity.


    While it did cross into the majority of Americans (68%) thinking we should join the Allies, it was due to the belief Germany wouldn’t stop with Europe.

    Interventionists believed the United States did have good reasons to get involved in World War II, particularly in Europe. The democracies of Western Europe, they argued, were a critical line of defense against Hitler’s fast-growing strength. If no European power remained as a check against Nazi Germany, the United States could become isolated in a world where the seas and a significant amount of territory and resources were controlled by a single powerful dictator. It would be, as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt put it, like “living at the point of a gun,” and the buffer provided by the Pacific and Atlantic would be useless.

    Pearl Harbor settled the debate on if America would be left alone.

    It wasn’t for “various reasons”.

  • I’m sure it happened some before, but the earliest known case was like, a thousand years or so after.

    The danger of the Abrahamic religions is people who did experience hallucinations from things like ergot poisoning saw the similarities to the schizophrenic hallucinations their religions are based on.

    So instead of their first thought being “clearly I’m seeing/hearing things that aren’t there like a dream” it was “God has chosen me and is commanding me to do ____”.

    Like, under no circumstances is a higher power providing instructions, guidance, advice, anything.

    And it’s incredibly dangerous when people believe it’s possible. Because if they experience hallucinations for any reason, there’s a chance they treat it like a command.

  • The concept of there being an “indigenous population” on a land that humanity has occupied and fought over for 10000 years is laughable

    Hold up…

    You don’t think Africa has any indigenous populations?

    You think a random collection of Europeans can say they deserve that land and take it?

    Like, that’s apartheid South Africa mate… Even modern South Africa doesn’t defend that anymore, which is why they’re fighting Israel in the courts today.

    And stolen? They lost a world war.


    Are you saying that you think the native population of Israel fought with the Nazis?

    Who told you that?

    I don’t think you’re intentionally spreading misinformation, but that’s what you’re doing even if you somehow believe it

  • I mean, Lovecraft just went with OG Abrhamic stuff.

    When they talk about angels in the Bible, they weren’t talking about beautiful elves from Lotr with wings.

    They were something that interacting with would break your mind. Because the people claiming to see them had broken minds already, that’s why they were “seeing” them in the first place.

    Which makes sense because what started the Abrhamic religions was a schizophrenic hearing voices to murder his family to appease the voice(s) in their head.

    It’s been whitewashed over the centuries, but that’s all it is. The followers of a schizophrenic carrying on his delusions that began with murdering his brother. And they’re still being told if they ever experience those symptoms, they should fucking listen instead of getting mental health treatment.