Problem is,the US can’t draw on its historical memory of killing nazis like the remnants of the greatest fascist killing machine,the Soviet Union,can
The average American thinks that the USA defeated the Nazis
Problem is,the US can’t draw on its historical memory of killing nazis like the remnants of the greatest fascist killing machine,the Soviet Union,can
The average American thinks that the USA defeated the Nazis
it’s cheaper to travel around the world and stay in a mix of hostels/long term stay airbnbs/share houses than it would be to rent a place by myself in a MCOL area while paying for a car.
heck, I’d do that in my own country (Canada), but none of that stuff is cheaper than renting. So not only can I not afford to move out into my own 1 bedroom studio apartment, I can’t afford to live in hostels or whatever.
I’m not sure what it would cost to travel around the world doing that – probably less than renting a shitty apartment in Canada, but I do not have a remote job I could count on to fund my travels.
If I had a second screen, I would.
I have to settle for listening to things in the background instead.
He is really dismantling the shit out of this stupid country.
Crazy how the US is blatantly gearing up to destroy another socialist project
which one?
link to video?
death to loud vehicles
within cells interlinked
At one point you have to realize our society has this urge created by the richest fuckfaces on the planets where if you aren’t working you’re useless or lazy and deserve nothing.
They spend billions of dollars every year to convince us of this.
be emotionally present for your kids
oh, is that why I’m so messed up…
Reading theory’s cool and important but it’s honestly surprising just how intuitive leftist theory is.
Reality has a leftism bias
The one and only Colovian Fur Helm
stop being mean to me
yeah, and it turns the environment into a toxic slag pit
She said “ohhh okay” and then we ate in silence for about a minute and then said “I gotta use the bathroom and take a call” pick one sweety, phone call to your girls or peepee?
I don’t understand why people are so critical about your hobbies when it comes to dating. Like if I enjoy a person’s company and being with them, I don’t give a shit how they spend their time when we’re not together. You’d think that you’re dating a person’s hobbies with the way people act about it on eg. dating sites.
The hard part after capitlaism is finding enough work for people to do. No more accountants, salespeople, Insurance people, middlemen, any of that. We would struggle to find things for them to do so they don’t become isolated and depressed.
I don’t think so
People will find things to do that they find rewarding that are not day-jobs
We can spread the work around. People could do a job part-time instead of spending 5/7 of their days on that particular job.
In forensics I learned that most murders are honestly pretty easy to solve
I need to read about Forensics and stuff, it seems interesting. It’s just hard to read real information when I have the infinite doomscrolling portal available to me at all times.
This sucks :(