
Non-Lemmy fediverse:

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • First of all, as a long time Love Live fan (since first SIP), I am once again amazed how far has this franchise come in terms of production quality – both animation and sound. Well deserved congratulations to Sunrise and Lantis for not only keeping Love Live alive all these years but also improving it.

    As for the today’s episode, I like the setting. Weird mix of magic, this characteristic pseudo-medieval generic fantasy style, and modern technology like cars, trains, train station announcers etc. seems appealing to me, and nothing really felt out of place. Not much in terms of plot to talk about as for now.

    Anyway, I wonder how it will be received by viewers who are not part of Love Live fandom.

  • I picked some mods from my sub list trying to find entries at around 1000 subs on Steam Workshop, so unlikely to be on top 10 list cause they are mostly unknown. Prisoner Recreation is slightly more popular than that but I included it with Prison Commons cause I think functionality they provide should be included in base game/future DLC in some form. In no particular order:

    Prisoner Recreation – useful in multiple scenarios. House arrests for rowdy colonists, keeping sanguophage bloodbags happy, giving prisoners you want to recruit a glimpse of life in your colony, having separate prisons for low and higher security prisoners etc. Also good for role play. Combine with Prison Commons.

    Perspective Paths – gizmo for making floors with hard edges. Dunno how to explain it in writing, better to look at it yourself.

    Sanguophage Feed Relationship – nice to have for additional flavour when playing with sanguophages.

    Picnic Area – allows pawns to eat in a designated outside area. Must have mod for making parks, squares and what not usable and not only decorative.

    KanbanStockpile – adds stack refill threshold and stack limit settings to stockpiles. A must have to keep kitchens and canteens running smoothly.

    Curb Stone – self explanatory.

    Pawn Centric Work Priorities – adds a work priorities tab in pawn menu.

    I skipped race, hair, furniture and other assets mods cause they are more of a personal preference. Same with less popular submods for bigger mods like Dubs Bad Hygiene. Hope this is of some use to you!

  • Mam nadzieję że tak. Już przecież kiedyś tak wszystko funkcjonowało – fora, grupy dyskusyjne, i cokolwiek było wcześniej, starsi użytkownicy internetu pamiętają te czasy.

    Swoją drogą mam też nadzieję że podobny proces pojawi się w przypadku czatów tekstowych i głosowych. Podczas ostatnich wydarzeń na reddicie widziałem że moderatorzy często odsyłają użytkowników na discord, z jednego scentralizowanego serwisu do drugiego. Przecież prędzej czy później udziałowcy discorda też stwierdzą że linia na wykresie za mało idzie w górę i ta usługa skończy tak samo jak reddit czy twitter. Zresztą, z tego co mi wiadomo to obecnie discord zbyt przychylny nie jest 3rd party klientom, więc troche ironiczne że w proteście przed ubijaniem 3rd party klientów ucieka się w ramiona usługi która od początku ich nie wspiera xD