Cant you make that decision on the 25th? I mean you need some kind of summary for an event and why people should join (in person).
Cant you make that decision on the 25th? I mean you need some kind of summary for an event and why people should join (in person).
Can we please always link to the original data?
I was expecting a punk rock band, but the song is quite nice either way :)
You could build a literal infinity pool…
May be: I own a FrameWork laptop (bought the older generation new, because it is fast enough for me, but I want to support them). Also I self host a couple of web services myself (music streaming, file storage, RSS). I also live in a shared flat (although I could afford my own appartment) and take the bike to go everywhere in the city.
I dont know if that counts as solar punk. However, I think that many of the comments are very inspiring :D
Not trying to defend the AI hype train here, but isn’t this the case for basically every new technology: steam engines replaced muscle labor, computers replaced people doing the calculations, the internet replaced many different occupation.
And for the most part we are better off now. Calling someone in a different country, let alone on another continent was crazy expensive just a few decades ago. Lemmy is built on these technology and would not be possible if all had to be done by human labor (a literal mailing list?).
Having said that I think the main issue with AI (LLMs) or the internet at the moment is regulation or the lack of it.
You want that if you strongly believe that your hate speech counts as free speech
I wonder if Lenovo gets a revenue share when they sell a game on the device. This could also explain the $100 price difference as the they are counting on the additional income. Are there any leaks / rumors on this?
In Germany the current government had the idea (but never follow through on it) to allow a married couple to form a new last name based on their last names. Funnily enough the article mentions that this meshing of names is already possible and getting more popular in the USA and Great Britain.
I would actually be interested in the math of that. Also please keep in mind that killing school children is a very US American thing. Everyone else (for the most part) does not do it.
One of my former room mates had the same problem with the washing machine. They were two compartments and you put the main detergent in the smaller one. In practice it didn’t make much of a difference, but still.
I believe this is something to be aware of and if this is something you don’t want use GOG instead. But in reality as long as Steam exists you will be able to download and play your games. If Steam ceases to exists then you will not be able to download them, but there will be ways to still play them, if you previously downloaded them. It is not like “owning” movies on Amazon (or just recently on the Playstation Store), where you always need to stream the movies.
This is such a cool idea, but I might be too dumb to move the tiles in any intentful way…
This is true for every psychological condition and has only tangentially to do with grades. There needs to be a burden of suffering (German: “Leidensdruck”) in order for a psychological condition to be considered a “problem” that needs “fixing”. As long as the the person doesn’t have this and society doesn’t force anything on that person (because for example they broke the law), there is nothing to act upon. This is also why some famous and/or successful people are crazy. The FBI has done some investigations into the concept of a the corporate psychopath, which can be successful managers, which are undiagnosed psychopaths.
PS: I am no expert
Keep calm and contact support. They are responsive, nice and will help you. I had a very similar thing, if not exactly the same. They gave me instructions, some of them I already read online, some of them not. It felt hopeless and it went back and forth multiple time until it suddenly worked again. They really know their stuff. In the end it was something with the base OS version.
Do you have a link?
Sadly no dance parties… But we also didn’t stay for the night shift 😅 Oh and fun fact: Steel mills must run 24h a day, 364 days a year (1st of May is off) for I think 20 years straight. That’s just crazy.
My department actually did a field trip to a steel mill the other day (during paid working hours). Steel mills are so fascinating and I can only recommended visiting one at least once. The sheer sizes of everything is just breathtaking and molten steel just looks glorious. I would say that these kind of events are not unusual in German workplaces.
It was last year… Probably the person at the counter of DB just didn’t care. Thanks for the info!
May be show the video or provide a link here?