Ha, cool, congrats!!
Ha, cool, congrats!!
Does he live there year round? How did you meet? His parents didn’t have an issue with you staying even though you’re unwed?
Seriously, just make it flat even if it’s fatter, why the hell is a bumpy surface better
Twitter, which was arguably the hub of wokeness, was bought by Elon Musk in order to neutralize it, and he seems to have succeeded — and not, incidentally, by censoring left-wing users the way Twitter used to censor right-wing ones, but without censoring either. [1
This doesn’t seem correct from everything else I’ve seen on Lemmy about musk enforcing selective censorship. I’m also skeptical that the left can sway twitter back by purchasing subscriptions as he notes in his comment – that seems idealistic but not realistic based on musks behaviors.
A lot of what’s said in the essay makes sense, to me at least, but I don’t think it’s finding the appropriate balance: there are plenty of things that are objectively bad and that do deserve action and response, things that in the past before these movements would just get ignored (and honestly maybe the movements didn’t actually stop anything, maybe they just made groups feel better), but this article doesn’t bring things back to such a conclusion, it gives me the impression that pushing back against such inherently bad behavior can be seen as just people being prigs or zealots, and that’s not correct. Society needs balance, and it likely does need a bit of shame that the prigs feed on to be that mechanism to bring balance, it’s just that the real issue is we’ve become too polarized and too extreme (which actually still does seem like nature finds a way to balance, just with another and opposite extreme…).
Ah that would make sense
How does this work? It’s filtered but still visible?
Good to know
I don’t believe the APU would be usable in flight, but they should have a RAT. Also don’t black boxes have their own batteries?
Land hurricane??
So glad we now live on an episode of the Jerry Springer show, so much better than the last 4 years…
Sure, my bmw seems to get into a boot loop using Bluetooth half the time, so I’ve just given up on that.
BMWs software always seems to suck…
RO can’t do it?
Sounds like this warrants a bit more than “a little annoyed”
Maybe, it’s got a 6.5 on IMDb, and I remember people complaining about it being a bad scifi, but maybe that was just a small group, idk
I like Ad Astra. People hate it because they view it as a shitty scifi with lots of plot holes, but I view it from the perspective of brad pitt is actually in therapy in hypnosis or whatever to address the issues he has with his father, and the movie is really the journey through his mind and all the roadblocks and barriers he’s built up internally. Then the plot holes seem reasonable and less relevant.
That’s probably related to all the other chemicals they use at airports (eg forever chemicals in fire retardant). 100LL (100 octane low lead) is only used in small piston engines, which is a very small population. They’re trying alternatives that don’t use lead, but I’m reading that the top contender is eating through paint and possibly gaskets and seals in the plane, which isn’t safe either.
Every plane is different and you can certainly get stuck with the gear up or unable to support the weight.
I’m not an expert, I only fly small piston planes, but watching the video the cowling has opened as they do when the thrust reversers have been applied, however the engines are dragging on the ground so I’d assume that forced them open. I’m not sure if opening the exterior would engage the thrust reverser (i.e. is the external mechanism tied to the internal mechanism so they move together, or do they move independently?), if not then we can’t conclude much from the video.
They’re both considered sodomy