Ein Schluck Schall, bitte.
Ein Schluck Schall, bitte.
In Germany good quality meat costs about 25 EUR per kilogram. Everything under 10 EUR per kilo is considered low quality.
Downloads free app and login to a free wi-fi, that’s all. Even if you need to buy the hardware the cheapest junk phone will suffice.
Three years pay for very probable death.
If your family loves and needs you that much…
Agree. The dog doesn’t care for the destination anyways.
They are not interested in getting tanks there but they are interested in the tanks there
Idioten. Idiotie.
You are. In that specific panel.
Three days, boss, no problem.
So this particular cat and this particular dark being can see each other, and all the other beings are somewhat blind to the other side?
They are not goof balls. They are mediums.
My wife talks a lot about BC. They don’t necessarily be B but BC is important.
That’s how a meat “wave” looks.
The staggering walk of that one guy in the first seconds of the video was interesting. As if his shoes were not fitting or his feet were aching badly.
Not much travelling over there. Humankind was spread very thin for most of its existence.
In short: Everything depends on how sick Pootin is in the head.
Those ruzzkis have a very expensive bridge, too 😉
They all should have stayed home. I know life is very ugly and grim in ruzzia but that’s still better than getting torn apart and burned alive.
At least one hopes 😬
Bonität könnte der Grund sein. Schau in deren AGB, mit welchen Auskunftsdiensten die zusammenarbeiten (Schufa ist bei Weitem nicht der einzige), und lass Dir von denen eine kostenlose Auskunft geben (dazu sind die Dienste gesetzlich verpflichtet).
Außerdem vermutet ich: Beim Stromanbieter interessieren die sich nicht für Deine Anfrage, weil Du einen billigen gewählt hast, der kein Geld für die Kundenbetreuung ausgibt.
hekto which is 100. 1 hPa is 100 Pascal.