Very interesting theory. Changing a bit of the books canon could fit it there perfectly. Like placing their mothers death after Arianas “death”, caused by the fight between Albus, Grindelwald and Aberforth. The fight about Grindelwald embracing Albus identity, attacking aberforth for his cruel words. Albus being torn between the love, that accepted him and the love for his brother. Aberforth breaking Albus nose at their mothers funeral for being a monster and being friends with another monster who tortured him in the fight.
And the maybe Albus also telling the story of his supposed fragile sister dying to keep his own story from the magical world, which he found to be cruel and unaccepting.
With AI you can easily correct? Who would correct the AIs? The people who don’t know what they want? Or some other party who knows even less, what the people want? And how would you personally correct without making up your mind by yourself about something? And how would society correct the overarching AI, which probably had used all peoples AI to train? Who would do this with what indentions and biases? Just seems to hide the problems under an AI carpet, creating even more problems.