It’s too broad of a question. The right to be forgotten in the sense of “Google can’t data-mine the shit out of you and track your poop schedule”, yes. In the sense of “Musk wants to delete videos of him doing a Nazi salute because he’s facing the consequences for being a piece of shit”, no. A better term might be a “right to privacy”, which gets less applicable as you become more of a public figure or affect the public at large.
You’d definitely have to answer some questions like “How many states do we want?”, but Fargo/Bismarck would just become the centers of counties if they don’t make the cut for being separate states.
It’s always been generally anti-authoritarian, which shares a lot of overlap with libertarians. Now you’re seeing the distinction become clear between who’s anti-authoritarian because they realize that nobody should have a boot stamping on their face, and simps that are fine with it as long as they’re wearing the boot.
Over on the linked page? They’ve got custom “emojis”, which are just pictures uploaded by an admin. Lemmy has that feature in general, but it’s not used much on other instances. If it’s enabled on your instance, you can type :
to select from all regular emojis plus custom ones.
Voronoi partitions around major cities. States would be very angular, but the logic is simple.
See the HN comments as well if you don’t mind facepalming repeatedly:
Through a lengthy exchange, Honer told Udoibok that MDE processes new food site applications by checking to ensure that the address is a location where a food site can operate, and then adding them to an internal system.
“So, you just approve them?” Udoibok said.
“I would disagree,” Honer said.
oof. That’s essentially no verification
I think it’s just the drawing style, but Moominmamma is giving some heavy side-eye in the last panel. Makes “Welcome, dear” come across as knowing things won’t end well.
Are you able to post the resized version?
Gotta love how used she is to their hijinx
Yeah, he’s a piece of shit. I was trying to think of something they wouldn’t like, even ironically.
Someone needs to turn it into a Biden 2028 site memorial site for Nobel Peace Prize-winner Henry Kissinger that plays In The Arms of an Angel
Tumblr doesn’t really strike me as leftist, so much as having a low signal:noise ratio
DNS is neoliberalism incarnate 😂
DNS is the most neoliberal shit system that too many have just accepted as how computers work and always worked to the point where I have heard actual landlord arguments deployed to defend it
Would you prefer posting them / being notified when they’re posted / anything like that? There’s some other people posting their loops here too, and I’ve been wondering how best to handle that
Yeah, it was really bad. Here’s some commentary about it at the time
Survey respondents were most likely to list the economy, health care, and immigration as their top issues personally, but said they believe Democrats care most about abortion, LGBT policy and climate change.
People can tell that neoliberalism isn’t designed to help them, but often don’t have the political knowledge/vocabulary to express this. Caring about “the economy” is the politically-acceptable way to phrase “people can tell that rich people are getting richer and they’re getting boned but we can’t just say that because we’ve been co-opted by corporate interests”.
Marsh voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020 because of her Catholic convictions on abortion, but lost faith in him after the January 6 attack on the Capitol.
“In all my years, we’ve been in and out of administrations on both sides of the aisle, and it’s never really changed our lives that drastically,” said Marsh, who is also executive vice president for AFGE Local 3129. “I feel like our government is being taken over and nobody is doing anything about it.”
Missed the epilogue, I’ll have to figure out how best to post those. Here it is though:
Alt text
Wanted- Ballista squad members. Must have own ballista.
Title text
Nothing good ever happens on a roof.