I reacted to a comment to a meme about parents having the power and the right to withhold what their children’s privileges relating to some trauma I’ve got.
The comment I replied to went:
We take away what each kid values the most. Works well. If they complain or don’t stop whatever got them in trouble we start adding days.
In hindsight, taking the context, it’s kinda reasonable, but I was triggered by the “what each kid values the most” remembering a painful part of my childhood, which lead me to be way less open to my mother.
Wouldn’t that end up with a kid who values nothing, not even their own life?
My mom used a similar technique to get me to do what she wants me to do, and I ended up, well, the way I am right now. I hide a lot of things from her, and if necessary, only pretend to show interest in things I don’t give a damn about just to have a semblance of a personality. Worse, even if I die right after this comment, I wouldn’t mind one bit.
Admittedly, that last part is totally unnecessary.
That response became my most controversial and downvoted for understandable reasons.
I used to ask people to tell me if they need healing, but I found it easier to just keep track of it all myself so that I can plan when to switch roles from buff to heal.
Combat encounters usually have me bringing out a calculator and a sheet of paper where everyone’s hp is being tracked.