I wrote a story that features such an entity and what was interesting about it to me was how even the slightest glimmer of life beyond their void would lead to an all-consuming desire to experience “living” again.
I am the coffee! | Words and Stories | Besnowed: https://besnowed.framer.website
I wrote a story that features such an entity and what was interesting about it to me was how even the slightest glimmer of life beyond their void would lead to an all-consuming desire to experience “living” again.
People are scared to death to talk about their company publicly because we are trained to have that fear.
It’s pretty wild how ingrained it can be and how much power it gives the company to do whatever they want with no fear of consequences.
There is a cute formulaic way active LinkedIn users frame every post.
Let me tell you about my motivational story. I overcame extreme difficties in order to achieve more for my career in two short weeks using the Bernard Technique…
Five paragraphs of heart wrenching guilt for the benefit of the company later and you’re being sold a premium course to find similar fulfillment from your life and job!
I’ve heard that meme over on EU as well!
I’m more in favor for jp these days though. I find the running around with oppo leaves people disoriented even if no one dies.
That confusion then bleeds into the next mechanics.
It’s The Todd isn’t it?
It is pretty wild to think about how many people only know the internet as about 5 websites or apps…
I was looking forward to the conclusion of the story and felt a little let down as well. I understand the idea though, they wanted to tie up some of the dangling leftover loose ends.
So there were answers, but it lacked a certain satisfying catharsis. At least for me.
I feel like this impacted the theming of Anabaseios the most where it all seemed very sudden. Like a TLDR with a lot of hand waving.
It wasn’t bad mind you and I probably simply set my expectations too high!
In theory I don’t care which strat is used, but on pf I’m starting to understand why jp is taking over - at least on EU servers.
The biggest problem with oppo on pf is how people get disoriented, I think. Not only are there more moving parts, but at the end of the mechanic and for the rest of the fight, it feels like your average pf is much less confident in their positions.
I recently released a book using Kindle Unlimited Publishing and was surprised at how easy and simple the whole process was. Especially the Kindle only bits since the formatting and dimensions of the cover don’t really matter for digital versions.
It was quite the learning process to get the physical books right but that’s a different story and one that bots would probably care much less about since the margins are so low.
However, even outside of nonsense written by AI, there were already a ton of questionably written titles that were trying to take advantage of SEO and keywords. This feels like an easy next step for the people who never cared about writing interesting stories and just saw a system they could exploit.
I’ve been meaning to check this out! It sounds so cool and possibly interacts with other fediverse things?
Do you know when 0.18 will be out?
I’ve had a similar issue. I think it’s tied to how posts seemingly endlessly rain in. Probably will be fixed in the next update, but I’m not sure when exactly that will happen.
Yeah this has been greatly annoying me as well. It’s not a problem on Jerboa though and I find myself just using that more often now.
Hopefully it’ll be fixed with the next update!
One of my books features an immortal protagonist and I’ve as such thought about this quite a bit. More than the answers already provided here, what I found interesting as a writer was the balance I needed to find between making an immortal detached from mortal values while still being engaging to mortal readers.
Said as a pithy question, if you can outlive everyone’s decisions and mistakes, what would it take to make you do anything at all?