I think they’ve been state owned companies for long enough that “de-privatized” is totally appropriate. It refers to the more recent “de-nationalization”, it provides more information.
☝️🤠💖 I love this freaking thing.
💢💢 If you don’t… 💢💢
🤯🔨🤠 Things could get bad. 🥰🚀🚀🚀🚀☢️
⏳⌛ I guess it’s just one of those decades. 📜🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️
I think they’ve been state owned companies for long enough that “de-privatized” is totally appropriate. It refers to the more recent “de-nationalization”, it provides more information.
Death to em
Well good move on blocking me because I am here to taunt you for now knowing how to block instances. I wouldn’t tell you.
That may be true, but consider it a research project. I look on new information I don’t fully grasp as an opportunity. It’s an update that doesn’t contain the full structure of the antipoverty programs.
To say that they are “modeled after China’s” is a bowlderization in my opinion, as even within China approaches differ by region, but there is not a better comparison.
It’s a multifaceted approach: programs for free rural healthcare are implemented before developed urban areas, elecrification, roads and other infrastructure, positive ecological and farming practices have to be supported and funded, financing for farmers is quite possibly the origin of the financial system (historically I mean) and it is of paramount importance to protecting a nation’s agricultural security. Effective trade practices on a national level are required to shield farmers from international pressures and export shit at high prices. It’s a prioritization of agriculture as a matter of national security. It can’t just be treated like any other industry, and it can’t be managed like a serfdom! In many respects this is like how military industry must be treated to maintain security.
Vietnamese farmland is still in a long process of decontamination from the defoliants dropped by the USA, there is an additional healthcare burden relared to that. That’s a very upsetting subject.
You couldn’t define socialism if you tried
You’re getting desperate, this doesn’t have anything to do with what I posted
I haven’t read 3 of those Dave L I am slacking
Unmasking Autism, it’s on libgen
Oh sorry didn’t see the community, could be irrelevant.
You joke but providing incredibly shitty overpriced healthcare that provides a higher return on investment is an American specialty. People who are incarcerated get dosed with all kinds of wonderful stuff like antipsychotics (should be banned IMHO) if they act up too much.
Same reason why nobody who wants cheap bit unprofitable drugs, or expensive profitable drugs with even more expensive alternative treatments can get any
My own comment on this is that the article doesn’t mention poverty at all, except implicitly by clarifying the example kid is “gifted” and not from a harsh background. Based on my family in the US, some of whom are teachers, I imagine a combination of social stresses and parents working multiple jobs is worsening the issue and destroying generational transfer of reading skills
I was wrong actually apparently her anti trans stuff is longstanding 😒
Cute how many of you haven’t noticed Harris is pivoting against trans people already.
Russia won’t play ball with them like that, and Trump’s political allies don’t want to ameliorate the Ukraine crisis either.
First of all “brotha”, you’re white, second you know nothing about the oil industry. I notice the most ruffled feathers from the haters when I report the news on your side admitting flaws. You must prefer the media that is aimed at really, really ignorant people who only comprehend the most childish narrative.
Oilprice works with the largest names in financial news and provides news and analysis to sites such as: CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Fortune, TIME Magazine, Huffington Post, USA Today, CNN Money, Business Insider and hundreds of others.
As usual when you have to cede a point being made you back off and play dumb.
They really aren’t giving you click farm employees much training are they? You sound like a moron reciting the online distruption rulebook directly. Try harder next time.
The point is nobody complains about Saudi or US propaganda. You’re only trained to bark at Russians. Very ignorant people.
They haven’t started construction of that reactor in the article you’re referencing from 2022, they are talking about site preparations for construction of the reactor, early construction basically, not even sure if that counts for the Wiki page they sourced, if they have begun by now it might not be reflected in this https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/Category:Nuclear_power_stations_with_reactors_under_construction?lang=en as Statista lists many more Chinese projects than Wikipedia does.
When they do /if they did begin working on the actual reactor, it’s projected to have 1/3 (?) the output of a regular commercial nuclear reactor, so I leave it to you to argue for its inclusion on Wikipedia.
You’ve had enough years now to familiarize yourself with the absolute basics of politics and history in Ukraine, it’s only been the cause of multiple international incidents such as with Poland. You know, because the current government in Ukraine since 2014 worships a movement that preemptively massacred Poles and Jews as the Nazis were coming?
I think there are more than enough online spaces specializing in weird nerds. More interested in escaping the first world nerd bubble than ever.