• 9 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Manjaro xfce

    Have to fix dock drivers every time I update kernel. 3rd and 4th screen reside to randomly swap sometimes. Unplugging and replicating laptop doesnt switch taskbar back to main monitor when plugged back in. Lap5op freezes when i run out of my 4gb of ram. AutoCAD runs perfectly in a vm as long as I’m fine with no graphics acceleration. Battery dies in 45minutes (old laptop). Boot after putting in luks key complains about missing partition but still boots fine (started after accidentally erasing kernel and having to replace with a live usb).

    Fixed vscodium by installing it directly flatpaks have issues for code editors.

    Overall everything is fine.

  • Facts all of it. References go look at said csiro report then go look at the style of the majority of nuclear reactors ever build in human history and explain to me why csiro neglected to include the most popular most built most experienced design style in human history. The rest of what I said is simply pointing out that the guardian is using a completely fair and justified lib bashing campaign to bash the single good thing the libs included.

    Its just me bing pissed at the current media and most peoples inability to recognise that some of the ideas by people u disagree with are good ideas. And some of the ideas of people u agree with are bad. Why are we picking teams then blindly supporting out team while blindly bashing the other team. Take the good ideas from both ridicule the bad from both and we will be in a far better place.

  • This is complete shit. The quote the csiro analysis that neglected the cheapest and most widespread nuclear reactor design because it doesnt fit the narrative. The rest of the article is spent bashing the rest of their energy policy which seems pretry fair to me. This headline is completely inaccurate. Just because they rest of the coilititions policy is shit why bash the one good thing about it in ur headline like its the be all and end all. If i though the guardian had brains then i might say they are doing this maliciously but they aren’t bright enough for that.