I realize that everyone’s situation is different and you may have valid reasons preventing you from transitioning. That said, you should consider doing it now. I figured it out at 30, and 11 years later I am bitter that I waited to begin. Don’t regret the missed years and experiences. Also, I am causing my spouse a lot of grief and self questioning. They constantly ask if they are the reason I didn’t do it sooner. They’re not at fault, but they will always have that nagging thought in the back of their mind. I realize everyone is in a unique situation and that the timing is very much terrible, but do consider it, at least. Whether you do or not, you’re still valid and you matter!
Oh dear, I am aware of how expensive it can be. I’m in the US, and on top of being extremely expensive it’s just as slow to get specialist appointments. You should still make sure to see a physician and get your blood tests, even if you DIY. We don’t want to lose you to complications! I’m sorry to hear about the dog and I hope they pull through. When you’re ready, I hope you get the care you deserve!