That’s how I broke my remotes battery cover :)
That’s how I broke my remotes battery cover :)
I think I was a bit unclear on that, I meant uncompressed rips as in I ripped the relevant media to unkompressed mkvs, I didn’t save the entire disk dump. I also have mostly such rips, but also a bit of media from other sourches ™ which is already compressed. So I suspect my results would be even worse.
Thank you, I didn’t know that, but that was the type of answer I was looking for :D.
I only ripped the relevant media anyways, so no trailers to remove.
A bit offtopic: What theme is that? I was woundering why you would put windows screenshots under a comment about dolphin for a second.
She really is method acting, huh
Look, its the lemmy troll trolling, shocker.
Really? My banks use the best 2fa I’ve seen so far. You have a card-reader which generates a code based on some input values related to the transaction and the physical chip on my bank-card.
(Although they have been pushing PuhsTan (app on phone) a lot recently :/)
I miss tom scot videos
Die mengen an Zucker die du (schnell) über Softdrinks zunehmen kannst ist halt krass hoch. Das bekommst du über Süßigkeiten lange nicht in so einer Menge rein.
Wenn jemand haptasächlich softdrinks trinkt sind das halt 70-100g Zucker jeden Tag. Um das über Süßigkeiten zu bekommen müsste man schon jeden Tag ein Tüte Gummibären oder zwei Tafeln Schokolade futtern. Und ich denke mal, es gibt deutlich mehr Menschen, die haptsächlich Softdrinks Trinken, als die jeden Tag ne Tüte Gummibären essen.
Existiert bei elektrischen Öfen das Risiko einer CO-Vergiftung überhaupt? Und wenns nen Gas-Ofen war, warum braucht der ein Starkstromkabel?
DW started being discussed here –
It was first mentioned as a reply to that comment. It was first being discussed here :
He didn’t claim that tho? They are insinuating it. Why else would you mention that in a reply to a comment asking to prove a lack of credibility.
Trump/Biden did not in fact hire/fire staff at US Agency for Global Media (USAGM)
In the linked DW-article it says the administration hired/fired stuff. Which is arguably different then them doing it directly, although that is a bit pedantic I guess. My main point is that that alone does not makes RFA an unreliable source. I am using DW as an example because it exists in a similiar framework (directly appointed by a government administration) and yet is credible.
Dw is founded entirely by the German culture&media ministry:
The point made was probably that it is ironic you wold use them as a source for RFA being government-founded insinuating that makes them inherently biased.
Now you go.
Ich hatte dwn Post direkt darunter:
In 𝔽20 20 bucks is 20 bucks, so not gay just smart buisness…
Do you mind shorting out Greed? Would be greatly apperciated by the rest of the world.
Tbf its not a given they don’t also do this.
Der hier ost aber vorläufig des Amtes enthoben:
why couldn’t you compute p/q < r/s by checking ps < rq?
That’s what I meant by scaling the fractions. Tbh I kind of forgot that was an option and when I remembered I had allready written the part about comparing floats so I just left it in. But yeah, encoding lengh might be a killer there.
You could also avoid reducing fractions the same way. Like I don’t neecessairly need my fractions to be reduced, if I am just doing a few equality comparisons per fraction. Of course I would have to reduce them at some point to avoid exceding the encoding lentgh in the enumerator and denominator when there is a representation with a short enough encoding available.
I think the bigger problem might be the missing usecases. As another user mentioned, this would still only encode rationals perfectly (assuming no limit on encoding lengh). But I cannot see many usecases where having rationals encoded percisely, but irrationals still with an error is that usefull. Especially considering the cost.
maybe we could solve this by prohibiting the end user from adding or multiplying numbers
I genuently chuckled, thanks :).
Bow tie looks better imo