No thoughts
The Republicans won’t tell anyone before they start bussing. They do not want humaine treatment as that won’t assuage their hatred of immigrants. They want the immigrants to suffer and dems to be pissed off. They do not want things done properly and efficiently.
The problem is many times they would not tell the immigrants nor the destination city that they were doing it… making life even harder on these human beings for no other reason than to score political points. Should have worked with all cities from the beginning to do what is best for them. They are treated as sub human by Republicans.
Winds would blow fallout all over Russia. China/India would break off economic ties. Also nukes wouldn’t end the war anyway.
All you need to know about the game
My account is that after his successful quest the theif was awarded his loot for betral of the wizard which was enough to buy a pretty sick dagger and some torches.
I like vice presidents that haven’t been threatened ok?
Particals are positive, particles are negative, you can’t explain that.
Apparently so are parks
If they ever tried to make a pizza in their oven it would take then an extra 45 minutes for some reason.
As an American, would you like it to be a country?
Every politician in U.S. history has been held to a higher standards than Trump. And thank God.
You cannot be “brainwashed” that climate change is real. It just is scientifically real 100% no question.
“Communism is bad” is an opinion and cannot be scientifically tested to be 100% true or false.
It doesn’t matter… you cannot test communism(or any form of government) performed by a nation of millions of humans which is subjective in any way as clearly as you can test climate change because it is not subjective.
You still cannot compare testing the validity of communism to testing the validity of climate change. Which is the whole reason for my initial comment.
You failed to mention rife and extreme corruption. High class wealth disparity coupled with corruption… how could this ever be used to treat the validity of communism? Personally I do not believe it can ever exist. Humans wouldn’t allow it thanks to human nature.
I’m not saying communism is good or bad but there has never existed a real form of communism to even test. If one points to Russia as an example then they have to explaine how Russia was supposed to be classless yet it had clearly defined classes of enormous economic disparity… in direct violation with the very foundation of communism.
Pepsi tastes like artificially sweetened flat coke.