Let’s hope they care at all about this. I’m not sure the pettiness of the fines will be let go.
and the left just yells at us that we’re trash
I’m a millenial and I never got this. There must be a split somewhere when people fell into different echo chambers or algorhythms. Like 7 years go I used to frequent reddit subs like MGTOW and pussypassdenied, looking for something to connect to because of clinical single-ness. These were the only spaces I would find comments like that. On my other, left wing, socialist Internet spaces this wasn’t present. That is why those pro-men/anti-women subs never connected to me. The work on yourself, improve yourself and keep reading was great, but the insane amount of hatred and religion pushing was crazy.
Yet it feels like men in my situation these days don’t have alternatives. It’s sad when Andrew Tate is considered masculine. Terry Crews or Keanu Reeves are much better. Sure they’re not podcasters, but they give off a much better vibe.
It’s a shame that the space these men find themselves is pushing against freedom of expression for others.
Pretty sure you can just reuse your Reddit bot to spam here. If you’re already running one it’s not much effort to expand.
Didn’t the Republican senators/house members decide to vote against a border protection bill just to spite the other side? That’s not compromising.
If a random comment on Lemmy would get a non-voter to vote or not vote then they’re pretty weak willed. Not voting should be a conscious decision.
I think it’s insane how Democrats keep getting blamed for not picking the right people to run when Trump can seemingly say or do anything at all and not lose a percent of support.
One of the USA sides has to be perfect and the other can do nothing and it will still be close. Insanity.
I went on holiday to the USA this summer. We had time, money, had never been and feared/expected the USA to elect Trump again. Looks like I made the right call. Stay strong USA.
Could just be dehydration. Drink some water in the morming and see if that helps.
Hey man as long as you have fun.
To me single player is having fun on my own terms at my own pace. There’s nobody to randomly decide the course of the game and no egos I have satisfy to not leave a match.
Is it bad if I thought of Professor X before Picard?
… I have to apologize to my girlfriend.
We will still give you forms in our made up language. It’s hilarious.
Tijd voor een broodje aap verhaal: Als je snel genoeg rijdt wordt de 30 een 90!
Ik heb TikTok overgeslagen en heb niet het gevoel dat ik mis. Of dat samenvalt met mijn leeftijd (bijna 35) weet ik niet zeker, maar ik heb zo m’n vermoeden…
Never knew ancient squids used roads.
Zonder de inhoud te bekijken gok ik dat het de vitaminen zijn.
Het “goede begin” is dan meteen met je ochtend hagelslag-met-boterham gelijk wat vitamines afvinken. Bij de andere is het “lekker op brood” om aan te geven dat deze plantaardige halvarine wel te vreten is, maar niet los. De klant moet dus wel weten dat deze ergens op gesmeerd wordt zodat je nog meer proeft dan de opgeklopte olie.
Zo snel zijn ze niet op land, ik snap het wel.
I started watching The Nanny a few days ago (have seen a lot on tv, but never everything) and in one of the first episodes they make a joke about being worried about Global Warming. It was lighthearted, not very serious. That was 1993.