Show me please
Show me please
Honest question, how would my life improve if more people switched to Linux? God bless all the maintainers that have made it simple enough for an idiot like me to understand it
Most things work right out of the box and those that don’t I could do less with anyway, Linux is perfect
Ashamed to say I’m dying laughing. Down with fascism tho
The second this hurdle is crossed we’ll need a new Lemmy
If it was going up something like 10% year over year then turning down to - 6% is dramatic, but I don’t know the numbers
I’m having this issue, I don’t want to switch OFF of mint since it’s so familiar now, but I would like better nvidia support. Tried arch a few times but really struggled
Better press to an alternative?
What does bones of the moon mean?
Chernarus is Ukraine, go back and play the harvest red campaign again and pay attention
Accusing them of not towing the line after they made operation arrowhead is very silly, get over it
His black bean soup recipe is delicious
Feeling the exact same way here, great conversations but I need to go back to lurking, I need to do more listening and reading than talking
Sorry babe, the Steam deck mount stays on
Look inside: remarks
Yeah okay
Eve online, its amazing how much more fun it is if you play to have fun rather than for the fleet
Already got lots of support and universality hat more do you need? X4 is native on Linux