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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Worker cooperatives (and often cooperatives in general) are an example of this. They almost always exist within a capitalist system, so are not able to completely separate themselves from all aspects of capitalism, but they are definitely examples of common ownership of means of production.

    Specifically you can look up the Mondragon Corporation which is probably the biggest/best known example of a workers cooperative but there are many others. There are lots of variations on this same concept - one where risk, rewards, and decision-making are shared more equitably among everybody participating. I think the most interesting are food co-ops (and sometimes CSAs), utility cooperatives, and housing cooperatives. These are all over the place and are often quietly successful examples of common ownership.

  • I was in pretty much the same position last year and had to do this. What I did ended up working well for us. For context, we build a somewhat complex web app and we were interviewing for a mid-level developer. Our product isn’t really anything special, pretty much a CRUD app with some more interesting/complex bits glued on.

    Basically I took a recent ticket out of our system and abstracted it out to something generic. My intention was to expose the candidate to what our tickets might be like - including some uncertainty. I was only shooting for a quick ~1 hour task, so nothing too in-depth and I was going to be in the zoom call with them to answer the questions that I expected them to have. I wanted something more collaborative than adversarial so I had them share their IDE window with me. Basically a short pair-programming session.

    I chose a ticket that was small and dealt with a system we use extensively in our product so I got to see whether they were able to grasp some of the core concepts we use in our product. I also deliberately left out some vital information that they would need to realize they needed and ask for. I wanted to see them think through the problem and see the missing piece. It was really a pretty easy task but the technical bits were enough to weed out inexperienced juniors and for the senior devs that got it done quickly, I was able to discuss some extensions and architectural bits.

    I wasn’t looking for a specific solution, I just wanted to see how they approached the problem and their solution to it.

    TL;DR: Choose a small ticket/task that you had to do recently, make it generic, and then watch the candidate reason through it//their solution.