pretzel6666 🐙


  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2022


  • @Zamundaaa I went back on the old PC, did a couple of tests and found out exactly what as changed and why. We are both right to an extent.

    I always use 4 virtual desktops, on the old PC I have them organized in a single row (better display in the pager) but I have configured desktop grid to show them in two rows (better usage of the screen). In this was, the three finger swipes up and down do nothing, and the fusuma actions can take over. Swipe left and right still changed desktop, but it did not interfere.

    On Plasma6, I did not find a way to configure the “desktop grid” layout independently from the global configuration, so I reorganized the virtual desktops in two rows. Now all the three-finger can potentially trigger a desktop change.