quarrk [he/him]

  • 111 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2022


  • What sort of life are you looking for? Do you want a relatively familiar lifestyle (ie western), English speaking, similar material wealth? Or would you be fine completely changing everything, speaking Spanish or Arabic or Chinese, owning next to nothing, and maybe losing life options but otherwise not being forced into a 9-5 slog.

    Europe has a lot of problems, and your experience will vary a lot depending on the country. But it will be an easier transition for an American compared with idk, Honduras or China. And although Europe sucks in a lot of ways, it is better in certain key areas. More walkable cities, little to no second amendment gun nuts, more consumer protections, more vacation, etc. Of course as a tankie I understand the political and economic limitations of Europe, but practically speaking it is not a bad option for an American.

  • Microsoft is also pursuing power from nuclear fusion, a potentially abundant, cheap and clean form of electricity that scientists have been trying to develop for decades — and most say is still a decade or more away from generating electricity. Microsoft has signed a contract to purchase fusion energy from a start-up that claims it can deliver it by 2028.

    Lmao what a way to close out the article

    I mean, if the AI arms race gets us over the hurdle for cheap fusion energy in the next three years, then I will consider AI to be a net positive for humanity. But I’m not holding my breath.

  • I’m of two minds. On one hand I agree, it’s gotta be dead simple. On the other hand I think the public is more capable than it seems. People figured out email and the mess that is Windows. The fediverse just feels like a lot because it’s new. Some better branding is in order though, like your example of not using the word “instance”.

    I often think it would be better to obfuscate the federation aspect altogether. Most users don’t need to know or care that a post or user came from another instance. But I think that path will ultimately be more confusing than just having the small learning curve.

  • I get what you’re saying but also disagree on the conclusion, if I’m reading right. Feels like a form of solipsism which is just … navel-gazey.

    Imagining oneself in another’s position is simple empathy, an evolved trait foundational to human civilization. The point is not to be able to perfectly imagine that other life, or to understand it in full detail. The point is to recognize common humanity between yourself and that other person.

    In empathizing, I make a basic assumption about another person’s experience, in its intelligibility to myself, despite not having experienced it directly myself. It is like how in physics, we can’t prove beyond all doubt that the laws of the physics are the same in other galaxies (although there is of course strong evidence, e.g. spectral lines). I am reasonably certain of a baseline humanity shared by all humans, and on that basis I feel valid in empathizing.