[Note: I have not read the books… no spoilers from the books please!]
I was pleased with the season and the finale. I know some people complained about the pacing but I don’t mind a slower paced show.
I have to assume Bernard will survive because his character is so damn good. I’d have to lose him, but I also wonder what his role will be moving forward.
Now, the scene at the very end which shows the before times… I assume the congressman and the woman eventually get together and are part of the pilot program for the silos. The whole “do they still call it a date” thing? I think at that point in time people are trying to find matches/mates so they can apply to the Silo program.
Supposedly they are already filming seasons 3 and 4 so I’m looking forward to answers eventually. (I would consider the books - are there audiobooks? - once I finish the series.)
Same! I swear if I try to get close enough for a photo the cats will give me a look like “Don’t you dare post that online!”