To your point, Ukraine lacks resources for both Ice cream and bbbrrrrrtttt.
They are fighting for their freedom.
To your point, Ukraine lacks resources for both Ice cream and bbbrrrrrtttt.
They are fighting for their freedom.
If the USAF doesn’t want to deal with the A-10s supply chain, there’s a good chance Ukraine doesn’t either.
The only thing that keeps the A-10 flying is Congressional mandates from a few jobs-oriented congressmen.
To be fair, Kamala is our third Presidential candidate this year. 😂
I don’t understand why everyone assumes using a VPN means paying for a third party.
It’s because that is what is advertised to them.
The switch from PC usage to locked down devices has made things worse and more expensive and less creative.
Remember, Apple invented the PC but IBM democratized it.
We didn’t get the same thing again.
Apple invented the Smartphone and Google also contributed locked down devices.
Have you ever seen a real roadrunner?
Also, push notifications. Most things could be done from a browser, but corpos have to have their push notifications.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the guy who turns every notification off and manages all those… 9/10 people won’t.
Pair of Thieves long legged boxer briefs their “superfit” material. Available at Target.
Put a dry towel under the damp one if you must
Uniqueness is not a thing people generally desire.
cf. Waiting for the Revolutionary Vanguard to usher in Utopia or for Jesus or the Mahdi to come back and establish the Millennium.
At least with liberalism, someone is milking the cows in the meantime.
Tuck a damp towel into your collar.
The scent molecules are polar and will stick to the water molecules in the towel.
So you refuse to answer my question.
Arab counties shipped Jews to Palestine after they decided to kick them out of their own countries.
Where are the Jews supposed to go?
Apples turn brown when you freeze them.
We still have monuments donated by Fascist Italy standing in Chicago.
Neurotypical people do not.
“Conspiracy” assumes the government is functioning in a fundamentally honest manner.
In the 70s, the public was frankly shocked to learn about the Watergate Scandal, because they assumed America operated in a fundamentally honest manner.
After Watergate, the “conspiracy theorist” developed. Because if Watergate is true, what else is going on?
Around that time, AM radio was looking for new programming after the public’s music listening transitioned to FM and we got a steady diet of extremist religious programming and Conspiracy-laden talk radio. Shortly after the Fairness Doctrine ended and things really One of the biggest TV series of the 90s was the X-files.
Anyways, if you have a conspiratorial government (e.g.China), you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” to believe in conspiracy. There are very obvious conspiracies at work.
The corruption epidemic the US is now facing (post Citizens United) means we no longer assume we have a fundamentally honest government.
“Conspiracy theorist” is dead. Our government is fundamentally conspiring.