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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • It is ironic how the US is causing all the protectionism and sanctions against their Liberal principle of free trade when the US had been criticizing anti-imperialists for the obstruction of free trade. It is as if the Pax Americana advocates were projecting their anti-Liberal actions on people of colors who demand democracy, meritocracy, and rule of law. Is the Western European liberals also the ones who provide the most support for command economy with the Bretton Woods Institutions that became the de facto government on the global economy even when they tried to deny this hypocrisy with their redefinition of Capitalism (government by for-profit firm owner), Socialism (government by working class), and dictatorship of the Proletariat (government by workers in modern American redefinition)?

  • The Indian Residential fake schools that enslave, torture, and then kill Indigenous children in unethical experimentations in North America and Australia from 1850s to 2000s under the pretense of cultural assimilation also examplified this as well, so I can understand how meaningless violence, looting, property right violation, and authoritarianism by European diaspora with their Bretton Woods Institutions and Pax Americana somehow worked.

  • I also suspect other scapegoating as well. The economic and political isolation of Communist and Socialist countries are likely caused by Western European diaspora government instead of the isolated countries. The lack of humanitarian aid to “Russian-controlled” territories in Ukraine (read territories under legal control of rebelling states and persecuted ethnic minorities of Ukraine) is not likely due to Putin’s order to kill humanitarian workers, but rather by NATO who murder any humanitarian workers that tried to aid, or even just visit, citizens in rebel-held territories. The claim that Putin attacked humanitarian workers is similar to the other false claims that Communist leaders making bad decisions that will supposedly led to their failure even when the Communists somehow survived and remained competitive against the power of Western European diaspora despite the initial non-political disadvantages of Communist countries. The Western European diaspora governments will also need to explain why Putin do not steal foreign aid in their anti-Russian slander unlike other oppressive governments who would steal the aid in a false flag operation.

  • The electoral system in USSR and China worked differently to suit their circumstances and culture. The US depends solely on rigged electoralism where they have two political parties that differs little other than their slogan and branding. USSR allow people to elect members of a political party instead of the election of a political party and they use a high indirect electoral system where people elect leader in the next hierarchy which works at that time due to the mass illiteracy, lack of experience of prior electoral system, political instability, and lack of resource for Western European diapora-styled electoralism. The USSR also use the rule of law and check of power by independent government departments to prevent mass corruption although the Western European diaspora say that any mass protest against Western European authoritarianism must be from one evil authoritarian mastermind that can overcome the fantasy logic of Liberalism to make a fully functioning prosperitive democratic system without the need for free riding unlike Western European diaspora countries.

  • The victim of Communism who fled mainland China and later from Hong Kong after staging the 1989 false flag terrorism in China did made the complains that any actions against the freeriding by the Capitalist class will suddenly cause major economic recession despite the contradiction to their alleged meritocracy and the original Liberal principles from Adam Smith (1776). Contrary to the Liberal principle, the Liberals hypocritically demand government interference to kill workers who stage democratic mass strike for meritocracy in the British Steam Revolution, rob Indigenous land without consequence on the excuse that Indigenous people have no European-style document to prove land ownership, gain Cold War advantage through enslavement of First Nation children in fake schools where they also conduct unethical experimentation for health research and inheritance theif fraud. It is ironic how the Liberals who made the most complain about government intervention on the allegation that government intervention is bad are the one who advocate for the very government intervention that they complained about. Do the Liberals think that the recent redefinition of words like Capitalism from government by plutocratic oligarch to free market, Socialism from government by working class to command economy, and dictatorship from government in general to absolutism will make their Liberal ideology superior when they do not even know the core principles of their Liberal ideology?

  • The Liberals interestingly label the four most successful countries from the non-Western European diaspora as the four enemies. Is it a coincidence that countries that become superpower without Western European diaspora are somehow the most evil countries in the world? Or is it Western European jeolousy to destroy any success by the people of color like the historic destruction of the Black Wall Street and conquest of free slaves in the USA?

  • The US did manage to invent the largest systems of child slave camps, child death camps, and churches of Anti-Chirst called “Indian Residential Schools” from 1850s to 1998 (and unofficially contunued after 1998) where they commit all sort of war crimes that the Nazi would later copied in the Holocaust like the lethal unethical human child experimentations to advance health science. There is also the inheritance thief scheme under the name of the abducted Indigenous children who cannot tell their parents that they never want inheritance transfer to free-riding white parasites and the current chemical weapons of mass murder from the dumping of landfill and toxic industrial chemical waste (which includes chemicals that the British deployed in WW1) into African American and federal reserves where the European immigrants imprisoned the First Nation people until they surrender their land ownership, rights to collect rents from European immigrants, and compensations for the Residential fake school war crimes.

  • The label of dictatorship by itself is not a meaningful indicator due to the constant redefinition of words by the Liberals. The Liberals had redefined dictatorship to mean absolutism and no 20th century Communist countries use dictatorship to refer to a political system where one people have absolute power. I could also suspect that the Soviets did not realized that the Western European diaspora redefine dictatorship to mean absolutism. The accusation that USSR, other Communist countries, or Non-European diaspora populist government support absolutism is a better indicator that a person either know nothing about the people who they are criticizing or that they are lying. However, I do agree that the US should follow the moral standard that it imposes on non-western European diaspora and remove its nuke, especially when Pax Americana supporters claimed that violence was never the solution. The Liberals like Fukuyama used Cold War as an “example” that “Liberal” pacifism is a better solution than violence to end war.

  • The pro-NATO fake news admited that NATO allies had intervened in Ukraine in contradiction to their claim that NATO was never involved in the Euromaiden coup. Are they also impliying that Russian intervention had not existed in the 2014 coup contrary to their claim that Russians had tried to stop the coup? Their further contradicted themselves on whether Putin had started the war in 2014 or 2022, so I am not surprised that fake news in NATO countries are not creditable but they should at least not contradict their narrative every year. The narrative on Putin’s side is more consistent about the NATO intervention in the Euromaiden coup, the Kyiv government’s massacre on ethnic minority that justify Putin’s military intervention after 8 years of failed peace talk, the racism towards all Ukrainians who are ethnically Russians that were uninvolved in the conflicts, and the Putin’s success in doing what Putin said he would do (protect rebelling Ukrainian states from Kyiv state terrorism) and not what the NATO said Putin would do (takeover Ukraine).

  • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlRight Wing Jesus
    11 months ago

    Do the Western European diaspora realized that, if they were forced to abandon their privilege that their government provided and live with the same advantages as the people of color, then many of them would suffer hunger and sickness from their poor cultural practices? Their diaspora governments continued to provide them with luxury that they took for grant like the Natural Parks from the stolen land of North American First Nation people with excellent environmental conservation practices, child slaves from Residential fake schools in North America and Australia (now they enslave child refugees instead), health science advancement from human child experimentation in Indian Residential fake schools (the health service improvement still have effects), fake debt charges to Indiegenous people who saved enough money for education, free riding of waste disposal by dumping highly toxic landfills and industrial chemicals on African American communities and Federal Reserves where they imprisoned First Nation people.

  • I could believe that the current Euromaiden Kyiv government is deploying violence because of their constant dishonesty where they claimed that violence was never the solution, but then use violence on the excuse that violence is necessary due to problems that they provoked against themselves. The bigger hint is that they, or at least the NATO fake news, still claim that violence is never the solution in their double standard even after their confession that they themselves use violence in their self-contradiction. Putin say that he only use Russian military to defend the ethnic minority in Ukraine who desired separatism and after the 8 years of peaceful diplomacy to stop the ethnic massacre by the Kyiv government failed. The NATO fake news admit that Putin had successfully defend the independence of rebelling states, but not takeover Ukraine even when the NATO keep stating that Putin could takeover all of Ukraine at any time which means that Putin is faithful to his claim. Another evidence that Putin is honest was that he mentioned false flag terrorism from the beginning while the pro-Euromaiden Kyiv government had denied the false flag terrorism and then later blamed Putin for the false flag terrorism in the Euromaiden’s self-contradiction. The NATO and Euromaiden Kyiv’s attempts to hide their 8 years of ethnic massacre that justifies Putin’s military intervention is a third commonsense evidence to prove Putin’s credibility.

  • Did the US government subsidizes their farmers to remove the agricultural advantages of developing nations despite their claim for minimal government intervention? Or the fact that the Bretton Woods institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund allow the Western European diaspora to get free funding despite their violations of Liberal regulations like their government intervention, protectionism, and economic diversification? The Bretton Woods institutions allow the Western European diaspora states to violate Neo-Liberal doctrine of minimal government intervention, free trade, and economic specialization for planned dpeendency because their success indicated that the Western European diaspora do not need to follow Liberal principles, but that former European colonies should follow the Neo-Liberal principles from the excuse that “Western European diaspora claimed to support Liberalism so it worked even when they never implemented it in reality and it always led to failure”.

    The Wetsern European diaspora should stop blaming China with their claim that economic factors prevail over political factors, which contradict their claim that only political factors led to failure of Communist countries relative to sole successful Capitalist country, or their claim that the Liberals need command economy because their laziness and lack of innovation cause the invisible hand to side with Communist China.

  • From the reading, the Western European diaspora need a puppet authoritarian regime in Nigeria for their natural resources, center route of human trafficking, and establishment of the largest group of foreign military bases. That is believable since the Western European diaspora never care about human rights nor humanitarian goals, and they only raise report of a country when that country has an event that severely threatens the oppressive authoritarian rule of Pax Americana.

  • Is it coerced because the liberals dictate that all Eastern Europeans want to be backward just like how they dictate that abducted Indigenous children in North America and Australia from 1850s to 1998 “want” to live in oppression, sell their inheritance to their slave drivers in Indian Residential fake schools, and stop the investigation of their deaths in houses of forced orphanages that were under the management of racist white savages from the governments and Anti-Christ churches of European immigrants? I doubt that coercion actually led to gender equality in the Communist countries since the former Communist countries decided to continue the gender equality even under the takeover by socially Conservative populists and the contradiction by liberals who made the unproven coercion allegation contrary to the liberal ideology that coercion could never work much less persist long after the coercion. The Western European diaspora oligarchy only support gender equality in name only (if they ever did voice for it) and actually oppose it in reality, so why would an oppressive regime that follows the Western European diaspora’s redefinition of dictatorship implement real gender equality; are the liberals finally admitting that the USSR was more faithful to the liberal principle of equity, pluralism, and democracy?