I like this idea, we should as an instance write down core values, maybe about half a dozen, that we would like to abide by.
I like this idea, we should as an instance write down core values, maybe about half a dozen, that we would like to abide by.
A drink or two usually helps me. I don’t really drink except socially so I’m enough of a lightweight haha. I do smoke tho which helps me tremendously. A plus is that you can always tell your friends you’re stepping out for a quick smoke and no one will think anything of it, in fact one or two might join you outside for some “fresh air” which is a nice change of pace.
Uhh you can also suggest a pregame at your place or a friends’. About half the pregames I’ve had just turn into a kickback at home naturally and it’s also way way cheaper lol.
Exposure therapy is also kind of useful in this case. If you’re more familiar with a few songs you can bop along. I think people tend to focus more on the basslines at the club rather than the music, so that could be something to try.
I hope you are able to start making bars a more positive experience! I really don’t like clubbing either but it can be fun once in a while. Good luck!
It’s the same way for me. I think it’s working as intended (for now) but I would really like to be able to set a default timeline or something.
thanks for sharing, you’re right!
side note I was like “is this album title a Dune reference?” and then the first track was titled Alia. Question answered hehe
Oh, nice. I might actually have a reason to start hoarding caches again…
directions: bake void in sunlight until golden brown and very regal
Unfortunately I haven’t really had the opportunity to go camping this summer, though my partner’s birthday is in August and he likes to go then. We normally go to Dos Picos in CA, it’s a cute little campsite with some nearby trails and mountains (like Iron Mtn and Potato Chip Rock); it’s also pretty affordable.
This is incredible, thanks for compiling/sharing/archiving! I’m gonna take a better look once I get home, wow.
I heard Lemmy broke something with the latest update. My understanding is that there was a larger update which temporarily removed captcha, and Lemmy opted to just deal for a few days rather than go through the inevitable wave of spambots.