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  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Didn’t capitalism start 300-400 years ago? If I remember correctly, capitalism was born of the imperial nations of Europe (primarily Great Britain, France, and Spain), as private capital, now unrestricted from the guilds as under feudalism, expanded for increased control of their respective markets.

    The United States, started only slightly after the major imperial powers of its day. In addition, it’s geography blessed it with weak neighbors to the north and south, and fish to the east and west, allowing it to develop almost entirely unhindered from the risk of war destroying it’s means of production. Furthermore, property rights were enshrined in its very constitution from start due to its status as one of the world’s first a bourgeois democracies (widely believed to be the ideal circumstances for the development of capitalism). As such, the United States had one of the most mature capitalist economies in the world by this point. Even at this point it’s form of capitalism is probably more mature than many capitalist nations in the third world are currently.

    In all likelihood, the course of capitalism in the United States was reversed somewhat by a combination of anti-monopolistic legislation, an end to its pre-worldwar isolationist policies, and the introduction of new markets in the world economy due to need for many nations to rebuild after World War Two. As such, I think it reasonable to call this a consequence of a 1940s late stage capitalist economy.

    Please note: The United States did not start out spanning the entire continent, but rather got their though roughly a century of brutal westward expansion and genocide. I apologize for my omission of this information.

  • Linux Introduction

    Hardware Support

    The situation regarding hardware support has improved massively in the last decade. The only components you may find don’t work on a regular basis in a device are the WiFi, Bluetooth, and RGB controls (though these circumstances have also improved massively). I’d recommend installing it on an old computer instead of buying new hardware, as it will most likely work out of the box without you needlessly spending more money. Anything with more than 2GB of ram will likely run fine.

    Security and Privacy

    There is relatively little to due regarding security. It goes according to the standard don’t open dodgy links and the like you previously stated. Furthermore, not only do you not need to install an anti-virus, I don’t think any exist for desktop use. Most Linux distributions come with a decent built-in firewall. There is little to no chance of a Linux distribution sending passwords or other credentials anywhere, or granting access to your HDD contents. Most mainstream Linux distributions are regularly checked by various auditing teams, so that is of little concern.


    A distribution is mostly just the array of software installed around the base system. Some may be better suited to certain needs than others, though (almost) all may be modified to meet a given need. For those not familiar with Linux, I usually recommend Linux Mint for its Windows-like interface, abundance of pre-installed tools/applications, stability, and ease of use.


    Browsing the web:

    1. Firefox - Often installed by default, it is compatible with all major web standards (existing and planned.)
    2. Chromium - The base for google chrome, for those unable to give it up.

    Document Editing:

    1. LibreOffice - Supports all major document formats, is preinstalled, and powerful in what it does. May mangle complex formatting on Microsoft Office documents.
    2. Google Office - If your already in the ecosystem, it’s one less thing to change.


    1. Whatever is preinstalled - They are all fine.

    Modifying Text Files:

    1. Whatever is preinstalled - They are all fine.


    A decent YouTube Guide on it’s installation.