• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2024


  • Huh, I already got VLC, but no harm in trying out IINA.

    Homebrew is … ridiculously good. I mean sure, I’m not a terminal guy and the last time anything remotely terminal I’ve touched was probably MS Dos era as a kid (and that is OLD) but the more I get into homebrew the more I appreciate its goodness. Sure it takes some time to rewire my brain to read through all the data on the screen, but it is very straightforward, and whatever pops is whatever pops (basically no need to reinterpret or guess the problem), and I like homebrew as possibly one stop to do anything and everything. And update --all LOL, that is MASSIVE.

    thanks again! :D

    You’re all kind folks and I hope to pay it forward / play it forward!