how exactly does that work without healthcare
how exactly does that work without healthcare
The world economy is built on serving US consumers and capitalists. I think 2008 crisis will be a good place to start if you want to see how a collapse of purchasing power in the US caused ripples worldwide.
that is not what Occam’s Razor is though
What is this
Isn’t the only job after PhD in academia anyways?
thinking that people are stupid and uninteresting is a very dumb teenager take, so consider how much perspective you have actually gained
can you provide some more context? or are you just asking if people have created their own wesbites? you can find a lot of stuff on neocities
sure, but i wouldnt call that a long history
long history of animosity? seriously?
There’s a book called Dying of Whiteness that’s sort of about this phenomenon. I think ultimately right wingers think that those who are harmed or die from their policies are “weak” and shouldn’t be allowed in society in the first place.
I don’t think anyone seriously thought that the Dems would change. The issue is that there was zero reason for someone to vote Dems, since they do not propose any alternative to Republican policies.
I think its also liberals, but scratched.
i like to do a lot of research (moodboards, excerpts from other books, historical or scientific articles) for creative writing, so it takes me months or even years before i have anything more than notes.
I think the biggest red flag is that his analysis of fascism is purely an analysis of rhetoric. And it got repetitive after a while since it all boiled down to “oh no the hypocrisy”.
too bad citations needed is not on it
i think they just accidentally stumbled into being correct on anti imperialism. they still pay their nato dues and provide arms iirc, so im afraid the stance is also mostly retoric. and in terms of socdem they are just the only major party that doesnt want to cut pensions.
i just dont see how you can say that the US is great for queer people when the US does less than nothing to support queer people (see AIDS). wouldnt it make more sense to say that queer spaces exist in spite of the us, instead of because of it?