19 million people in states where the outcome was a foregone conclusion. In the six states that flipped the difference was less than 80,000 votes.
//edit: Ok I was being flippant with this reply after my annoyance with another thread about this same thing. I didn’t even really stop to process just how dumb that 19 million number is. Are we supposed to believe that 19 million people didn’t vote for Harris after voting for Biden, but since the Actual difference in outcome was only about 6 million votes that Harris found 13 million other people to show up and take their place? Seems pretty fucking unlikely considering that the overwhelming majority of people who don’t vote aren’t registered and never vote.
You cannot expect me to believe this schtick where you pretend this information doesn’t belong in the context of the broader discussion about the outcome of the 2024 election. This is not a free floating factoid you happened to be interested in for the purely intellectual pursuit of understanding the motivations of Democratic voters. What is the importance of this information outside of that context?