Not all the heat goes into your brake pads. Your rims or discs take much of the heat butt also cool down very fast.
When you do a dist-upgrade on anything but the stable main repos, you’re on your own.
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Can you please reformat your comment for DIN norm compliance, so I can read it?
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Sind Teil von fortune-mod-de
so wichtig sind mir ein paar km/h mehr dann doch nicht.
Was ist das 276. Wort auf der französischen Seite für nextcloud?
Short bursts heat up your pads quickly, but allow them to cool back down in between.
Continuous braking keeps the heat on.
Du bist offensichtlich nicht Teil der glücklichen 10000 heute.
More expensive helmets aren’t safer, cause they all have to pass the same safety tests.
They are however smaller, lighter, better-looking and have better ventilation.
So in the real world, they do protect you better, cause you’re more likely to actually wear them every time you ride.
including wird suggestions
looks like it has multi-language support too, fellow German.
lunatic girl threatening me
I think a friend of mine has a job where he writes formally verified code. For sensors in a nuclear power plant. I’m curious why it would be important for a WM?
Technically, all of them are made up.
Im Prinzip ja, aber nicht den Preis der Zutaten. Oder die Miete. Oder den Mindestlohn. Oder die Steuern.
Billigere Döner gehen nur wenn man an einem davon spart, aber Lebensmittelpreise und Miete sind fix.
origin of meme with this text:
origin of this version of the meme: