Refusing to discuss nuance is the problem
Refusing to discuss nuance is the problem
These two posts could not have lined up better:
I mean they’ve clearly seen it before, just asking if this version came from the same creator as the original. I wondered the same thing. Also, way to not answer the question in a very verbose way lol
Read that as United Atlantic Vultures and did a double-take. Not so far off though.
Lead exposure from shooting ranges has been studied and contributes to aggressive behaviors.
I’d call that a rattlin’ bog
Is there a link to the study being referenced? I couldn’t find any citations. Ocean acidification is worth talking about, but this article is sensational as heck. Constant use of dire language (“safe limit … exceeded”, “crucial threshold … breached”, “safe boundaries … crossed”, “sustainable levels … exceeded”, “close to the danger limit”) with no values explained or interpreted for the reader and only vague references to imminent catastrophe.
Maybe it’s talking about this new NOAA dashboard, it’s hard to tell, but I think this was a much better read:
Wow, name super checks out
Where else do you like find that kind of info? I still have a Tom’s Hardware shaped hole in my heart what needs fillin’
It’s not as uncommon as you might expect – here is a list for the curious. And I don’t mean to denegrate nuclear energy as a power source; it is vastly better than fossil fuels and safe when done correctly – I have participated in the safe generation of nuclear power. But the ramifications of it being done incorrectly are severe to say the least, and everyone should be aware that we do commonly have issues with it, especially in aging facilities. We commonly extend plants decades beyond what their initial construction planned for.
Edited to say I just realized you said meltdowns, not radioactive leaks, which I do agree with. Sorry for confusion
This isn’t true – radioactive gases were leaked into the surrounding area. The containment vessel remained intact, and NRC concluded that no measurable harm was done, but there was definitely a release and that’s why it was such a big deal. They evacuated children and pregnant women from the area in response.
Did you just turn Success Kid into an angry/upset reaction? Rude!
I was known to yank a power chord or two back in college…
We are sleeping on lib goblin
I don’t exhale, rather I just close off my airway to stop the big inhale. It sounds super uncomfortable to try exhaling at that point, but with some practice I have been able to stop the inhale and that mutes the sneeze considerably. Also, I can plug my nose when I feel it start to tickle and stop the sneeze entirely.
“Boof it like Kavanagh” sounds like a parody version of “Bend it Like Beckham” where a young white guy starts partying and taking bribes after being inspired by his favorite Supreme Court Justice in spite of his parents actually giving great advice on how to be a decent person
The italics are a nice hint. Good Poe’s Law submission.
My friend who has never been in a long-term relationship wants to know what this means – how would you explain this agreement?
What specifically are you disagreeing with? Bad games are bad largely due to design and monetization reasons, both of which developers don’t participate in deciding. But, they do witness all of the good decisions that get cut from the design. Buggy games are one thing you can partially attribute to developers, but saying Bethesda devs have a net negative credential without explaining is willfully obtuse and borderline troll behavior.