I’ve come to realise that Americans don’t like sports per say. They like the spectacle. It explains why they prefer American football to football. Four hours of show to one hour of actual sports.
It also explains their attitude to expansion teams. From a European perspective, getting a fanbase to “love” your team within a year of creation is wild. Most newly created teams in football are detested and get labeled as being “purchased” rather than having fans, even if they win. A fandom is something you get from growing up with a team, and you never, ever change the team.
Pay bonus with stocks in the company. Problem solved.
lol. the claim was that transwomen aren’t allowed to play, period. Not true, they might not be allowed to compete against women, but open category (mens) is open for all.
Here is one example: https://www.badmintonengland.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Participation-in-Badminton-by-Transgender-and-Non-binary-Players-Policy-–-Frequently-Asked-Questions-FAQs.pdf
Who can compete within the open category?
All players can play within the open category. This includes, players assigned male at birth, players assigned female at birth, transgender males, transgender females, and non-binary players.
I think you’re trying to lead into some existential “what even is gendered sex” like its not obvious.
If you’re born with women parts you can be om womens team, or mens team for all i care.
If you’re born with mens parts, you may not compete against those that were born with womens parts.
Anything beyond that would need a doctors expertise.
In your example, there would be evidence that they lied on a form. Obviously anyone can put whatever they want on a form.
Wouldn’t really prove anything, but if they lied there would be evidence? Are you stupid?
I’m giving you some context since you clearly don’t know anything about sports.
Womens discus weigh 1 kg
Mens weigh 2 kg
Next you’ll tell me women are hindered by being forced to use a smaller discus or something.
Good, name one and ill give you a list of world records in athletics.
Don’t you think they know if they do or don’t?
I’m not qualified to answer that. I assume a doctor might be able to answer.
But not having a dick is a start.
My god what an asenine take.
No, but no woman would ever win with the best from both genders attending.
I don’t think you could even qualify for the mens qualifiers in athletics with the world records for women.
Wrong again. They would be allowed to compete with men. As that is the open class.
Those rules are already in place, professional sports require trans athletes to receive treatment in a controlled environment to make sure it’s all fair.
Wrong, most sports don’t. Most countries don’t. Most countries doesn’t acknowledge that being trans is even a real condition.
I saw a documentary of the olympic “spot checks” for potential men competing with women. It’s a shit show. They knocked on the doors at the hotels and asked them to show what’s between their legs. I guess it’s something, but kind of “ad hoc” and likely more undignified than it needs to be.
That’s definitely one way of making sure that a woman will never win again in athletics.
They did do that in golf, of course with handicaps like a shorter tee off for women, so not a fair competition.
Trans girls are not stronger than other girls. Any increased muscle mass vanishes with hormone therapy as the testosterone supporting it goes away.
Yeah, but then you’d need rules for checking that too.
And of those three ONLY the first can be of any value
Yes, and one is enough for making competitions unfair.
No? They can play with the boys. Changing rooms can be arranged. Why is it important for a trans-girl who went through male puberty to play with girls that are smaller and physically weaker?
I should probably clarify that i mean compete in competitions, dont care in the slightest who or how they want to practice. That’s just fair.
Nobody is forcing anyone. But saying they can’t play badminton because they are trans is false.
As if twitter wasn’t a net negative for society to begin with.
At least Facebook was decently capable at helping you keep connected with friends and events at the beginning. Twitter was always gargled garbage to begin with.
Nothing of value will be exchanged over 140 characters without being bastardized in some way, or context withheld.