There are penalties for carrying cash. One is the time burden of withdrawing it, the other is that if your bank has fees for more than X withdrawals a month then you will be deincentivized.
There are penalties for carrying cash. One is the time burden of withdrawing it, the other is that if your bank has fees for more than X withdrawals a month then you will be deincentivized.
The loudest one with the cool sports car and botox wife?
“Shh! Shh! Guys! Keep it down will you? And can someone tell Anerakios to stop farting into the horses head?”
The giant horse was a symbol of Trojan, so it makes sense that the symbol of the english is a giant rabbit.
True, but who would carry them around?
I just want an easier way to give money to homeless people, without them having to depend on an electricity supply.
“So you run and you run to catch up with your mum, cos she’s simping
Turn you around, to come up behind you again…”
More info on Boeing?
Powyr. Daddy issuey
thank you for actually trying to give an honest answer
I Ingest Four Fries Because I Never Yeeted A Burger Across Idaho?
a resident of the infamous Long Island,
IANAA, what is long island infamous for?
he “disappeared” in WWI, says the wiki. It could be that he’s out there right now, tapping away to the cube roots of all kinds of things.
I’m just going to start singing “ba laa laa lalalala” and I hope you will join int.
And, what of it? Were you able to remember details about yourself?
Ah I see, thanks for the context. Nonetheless, can’t DB take the profits from the Trucks and invest it in the Trains?
The company should still maintain the infrastructure, or pay back their consumers for every missed train. They’ve been making profit year-in year-out, the least they could do is throw some of their pocket change at the repair crew.
Okay, but tell Georgo to make horse noises whilst doing that, okay?