The US does not have a final deposit for nuclear waste. But nuclear waste is not more dangerous than other chemical waste which already has final deposits in Germany. The specifications are deliberately made harder for nuclear because of politics.
The US does not have a final deposit for nuclear waste. But nuclear waste is not more dangerous than other chemical waste which already has final deposits in Germany. The specifications are deliberately made harder for nuclear because of politics.
I agree, but I also think this is cherry picked. There are countries that are quite monoethnical that are doing quite well eg. Switzerland and Japan. Also I don’t think USA is such a great place to live, even if it where the “worlds #1 superpower, whatever that means”. Great military doesn’t make a country nice to live in. Switzerland and France are much better in my opinion.
Richard Feynman
Differentiable programming. Differentiable ray tracers for example can be used to reconstruct the geometry of something you took a picture off.
They are demonstrating for good reason.
Was wird mit den Enten gemacht?
Ah yes, all pseudocode is python
I think you can just use y and p
Wow that is impressive
Why are you mad at the salvation army?
Wow that is really cool
I think it’s about translating cuda to ROCm instructions or something.
I think it’s funny that beamer always looks so bad but everyone accepts it because it’s the standard
Ich nutze meinen seit einem Jahr und Bing ganz zufrieden. Anfangs war die Akkulaufzeit nicht sehr gut, aber das lag an PopOS, unter Arch geht sie. Teilweise geht der Laptop nicht in den Hibernation Modus wenn man ihn zuklappt, vor allem wenn man nach dem zuklappen das Stromkabel entfernt. Das ist denke ich ein Software Problem. Die Hardware ist eigentlich recht hochwertig habe ich den Eindruck.
Yes, I think you can replace holy water with solar in some cases, right?
I think it’s dark matter. There are so extremely many theories around it and it’s very hard to measure experimentary.