I might have a different definition of „good life““ than you, but money != a good life.
Familienvater, Tech- und PV-Fan (12,6 kWp/15,6 kWh), Elektromobilist, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün
geboren um 333 ppm
Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans, sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.
I might have a different definition of „good life““ than you, but money != a good life.
They are so far right that the already far right French Le Pen kicked them out of the EU coalition for being too far right.
Der eigentliche Fehler war, überhaupt an einer Springer-Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.
Never seen any police member even blinking when a Palestine flag is shown. It’s usually a dozen flags. And I have never noticed this to be a problem.
For how long do we keep pretending to live in peace? Yes, there are no rockets flying from Russia (yet). But undermining political institutions is not less dangerous than a rocket.
I have yet to see anything like this.
Of course, when you start to wave a Hamas-flag, the fun is over. And that I do not count as suppression.
Utter nonsense, at least for Germany. I have a fair chance to meet a pro-Palestine demonstration when I enter any bigger city.
Kinda fitting that Microsoft chose Chrome as the base for its Edge browser …
I cannot blame him. I wouldn’t want to work under a criminal that I’m currently prosecuting either.
He’s way too smart to wait to be humiliated by the orange buffoon.
Almost the same way I used to use Twitter innthe early days:
Works really well for me and even though I only have half the amount of followers I had on Twitter, I have more high quality conversations and less trolls.
I run a Proxmox cluster with 2x Dreamquest pro, each with 2x10TB had in an IcyBox, plus an external Raspberry Pie with a 12 TB disk for backup.
The disks are refurbished to keep the costs down but run in a mirror setup. So if one fails, I’m fine. I use an old laptop as a 3rd node and the main nodes replicate their load, so I‘m fine even when one node is dead.
Lemmy and Mastodon
I have deleted my accounts on Reddit, Twittet and Facebook.
He’s our version of Trump. And it pretty obvious.
What a sad Putin puppet!
Still twice the amount of votes compared to the last election, which leaves me with my mouth open.
It’s like voting for the wolf when you are part of a flock of sheep because the other sheep you could elect instead is not exactly the way you picture the perfect sheep.
It is for quite some time.
It could be much better if they would finally release an app for mobile devices. At least for me it’s the major showstopper.
Ich würde so gern das Auto abschaffen, wenn die Bahn eine ernstzunehmende Alternative wäre.
Gerade heute früh kam meine Frau frustriert vom Bahnhof zurück und hat sich mit dem Auto fahren lassen, weil der Zug (mal wieder) über 30 Minuten Verspätung hatte und sie damit zu spät gekommen wäre.
Die Quote der Tage, an denen ich die Kids zur Schule fahren muss, damit sie nicht zu spät kommen, dürfte in diesem Jahr wohl locker die 20%-Marke überschritten haben, vermutlich sogar noch deutlich mehr. (Und inzwischen fahren wir sie nur noch, wenn Proben anstehen oder sonstige wichtige Events. Ansonsten kommen sie halt zu spät.)
Was hilft mir das unbestreitbar deutlich bessere Unfallrisiko, wenn ich realistisch keine Möglichkeit habe, dies zu nutzen?
(Und gefühlt ist die Bahn auf den für uns relevanten Strecken in diesem Jahr normal deutlich schlechter geworden, als sie es eh schon war.)
Wir brauchen dicke Investitionen in die Bahn. 100 Milliarden jedes Jahr für die nächsten 10 Jahre, damit wir den Schrotthaufen, den Mehdorn & Co. hinterlassen haben, einigermaßen retten können.
Die Bahn war mal richtig gut. Lang ist‘s her …