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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Also, I’d be interested to see how this changes the Loss of Crew probability. Presumably it’s less risky to do trunk separation prior to the deorbit burn, because if the separation process encounters any problems, there is much more of an opportunity for troubleshooting.

    Yeah, it’s interesting that they are modifying this sequence. There have been two Soyuz missions (Soyuz 5 and Soyuz TMA-11) in which the service module failed to separate from the descent module prior to reentry. The crew survived in both cases, with moderate injuries from the rough landings.

    It would be interesting to know if SpaceX/NASA have run any simulations on whether the Dragon trunk would burn away before the hatch burned through.

  • Yay! I’ve been experiencing some “launch withdrawal” symptoms :)

    That’s 27 hours from now.

    I suppose I’d better get a launch thread up soon!

    Interesting failure and fix:

    the liquid oxygen leak on the upper stage led to the excessive cooling of engine components, most importantly those associated with delivery of ignition fluid to the engine. As a result, the engine experienced a hard start rather than a controlled burn, which damaged the engine hardware and caused the upper stage to subsequently lose attitude control.

    For near term Falcon launches, the failed sense line and sensor on the second stage engine will be removed. The sensor is not used by the flight safety system and can be covered by alternate sensors already present on the engine.

    Seems like another case of Elon’s favourite, “try very hard to delete the part or process”.

  • Electric cars are only viable if people can use them on the same infastructure, in roughly the same way as gasoline cars.

    Eh, I think there is should be a difference in behaviour between ICE refueling and EV charging.

    The only people who should be charging their vehicles “roughly the same way as gasoline cars” are those who can’t charge where they park. If you own a driveway or a garage, you should install a charger there, charge overnight while you sleep, and leave with a “full tank” every morning.

    It doesnt need to be “gas stations” anymore, but they need to be as convenient, at least in their own way.

    Definitely this. We don’t need as many charging stations as we did gas stations, and “home” should be the most convenient place to charge.