Go ask your gay friend if they can tell a difference
Go ask your gay friend if they can tell a difference
Arrays start at 0
Probably not great to return server stack traces. Otherwise, yeah
I fuuuhuhuhucking hate this condescending, pestering dark pattern that apparently every single designer on the planet is required to use
At first glance I thought it said “extremist kinks”
KSP pulls me in for awhile until some bullshit bug ruins a mission I spent hours on
factorio has stolen months from me
I’ve always wanted to write a bot that replies to comments that say „I have no words” with a list of random words
I haven’t had a chance to watch the video yet, but I will when I can, thanks for the recommendation!
From personal experience, my 2 year old Phone 14 only competes with my 6 year old a6400 in perfect light when it comes to noise and sharpness. Indoors it’s not even close.
Any decent camera with an m4/3 or better sensor and a half decent lens will blow the best smartphones out of the water. Computational photography can’t beat physics.
Edit: in good light they can get close, but the differences show up quickly in low light, if you crop, or if you look at it on anything bigger than a phone.
Started learning web development.
Totally fair, I agree it is definitely not a good first distro. I think everyone should follow the manual setup process the first time and not use archinstall, because it’s the tutorial which teaches you what’s on your system and how it works.
I’m also not new to the Linux scene, I also run a variety of distros on a variety of machines including servers and I also write software professionally. Arch is fucking great.
I didn’t say it was stable, I specifically said it was unstable. Because it is. I said arch is reliable, which is a completely different thing.
Debian is stable because breaking changes are rare. Arch is unstable because breaking changes are common. In my personal experience, arch has been very reliable, because said breaking changes are manageable and unnecessary complexity is low.
I could not disagree more. Arch is unstable in the meaning that it pushes breaking changes all the time, (as opposed to something like Ubuntu where you get hit with them all at once), but that’s a very different thing from reliability.
There are no backported patches, no major version upgrades for the whole system, and you get package updates as soon as they are released. Arch packages are minimally modified from upstream, which also generally minimizes problems.
The result has been in my experience outstandingly reliable over many years. The few problems I do encounter are almost always my own fault, and always easily recovered from by rolling back a snapshot.
Self hosting is pretty great right now. Immich, Tailscale, truenas, docker, vaultwarden - you can solve so many of your own problems with any old computer you have lying around
It’s not conventional wisdom, but I’m happiest with arch.
Tempted by nixos but I CBA to learn it.
They didn’t even clean up the rubble
Are the newer ones any better? I’m not replacing my CPU, mobo, and ram for like a 25% improvement
i build websites