I would write it even smaller if i could.
beep boop
I would write it even smaller if i could.
Without additional explanation its dumb yeah. “All words are made up, these ones were simply made up after you stopped being interested in learning about anything new in the world.”
2025 is the year of the linux desktop.
Is 4/10 any higher than normal? Referencing a number like this without context is journalistic malpractice.
Vielleicht tut es das für viele, aber das ist eher der desensibilisierung und dem unverständnis der menschen und nicht dem begriff zu danken. Was ich darunter verstehe ist dass wir als gesellschafft vielen leuten nicht genügend hilfe geben und es selbstverständlich ist, dass leute irgendwann rot sehen.
Psychische Erkrankungen sind fast immer behandelbar und manchmal sogar verhinderbar, also wenn es zu sowas kommt ist es meistens auf den fehlschlag des gesundheitswesens oder der polizei zurück zu führen.
I think as long as all the training data and the results are public and free to use and modify there is no moral problem beyond artist livelihood which is sad but just a part of life. Jobs have come and gone for as long as humans exist, its something we have to accept long term.
So far artists themselves are still very good at catching even high quality AI pictures tho. AI models produce something that only looks like human art on the surface, but it still misses lots of things. In many cases it wont replace existing art because often the human and the story behind art is what makes people appreciate it.
Dass sie dafür einen Doppelmord begehen, zeugt von einer sehr hohen kriminellen Energie.
Ne das zeugt von psychischer Störung. “Hohe kriminelle Energie” ist so wie “Thoughts and Prayers” eine leere, Gendankengang terminierende Phrase.
Noch dümmere leute als bisher sind somit fähig sowas durch zu ziehen.
Ah yeah that makes sense now. He just managed to evade the search effort quite well then somehow.
As long as you are not cold or injured and have access to clean water, surviving for 2 weeks is not that surprising for a healthy young person i think. Definitely not fun tho.
Im pretty sure matrix.org data has been and will be sharing data with law enforcement. Even if you use encryption, they collect loads of metadata. With smaller servers it depends on local jurisdiction i guess.
Just dont give the thing internet access then…
I mean you can just encrypt your emails. Then they at least cant read the contents of your conversations. But the only way to prevent your metadata from being yoinked is p2p messaging like briar. Using a server thats not controlled by you will always leave traces.
Yes we do, it is involved with military things and is technically a US military contractor. What people call them and what they technically are doesnt have to line up. Nobody said tencent is purely a military company, just that they are involved with military stuff and thats why they go on the list.
I mean yeah, they arent just a game company even if thats all people know them for. Its like calling Samsung a phone company.
Their products according to wikipedia
TIL: Es gibt Banken bei denen überhaupt irgendwelche Überweisungen was kosten.
Was wondering how many it is in the US and in 2024 it was 25 people. That is a lot less than Iran but a lot more than i thought.
Just surround the thing 24/7. They will run out of food eventually. Or just turn the power and water supply off, then it will only take a few days, maybe weeks if they have emergency rations.
Laying siege to the home of an ex president is very high up on my entertainment value list.