USA - Washington DC Metro Area
Been happening for years now:
I’m already sick of ads at gas station pumps, and will just sit in my car in order to avoid them.
Once upon a time, I thought Haley might have had some sort honor code. I guess that’s why they call stories that begin with “once upon a time” fairytales.
Would I buy that car? Would not drive, even if given to me for free. Hell Naw.
Leave a vaccum, something will fill it.
His cult will claim he won the debate, even if he shits his pants and starts talking like a baby.
Of course she is suffering from the high price of food, I mean have you seen the price of beluga caviar lately?
I am the Law
Trump Dredd
4D chess. You obviously need to deal with an imaginary crisis with an imaginary plan.
At this point it’s Big Lie ∞
Trump does indeed have a plan, we was working bigly on it when he had CV19
Esteemed journalists and politicians of truth and integrity are shocked
It’s the QAnon party now
Tucker reports his shock at the current turn of events from his summer home in St. Petersburg Florida. 😉😉
You have done that yourself
-Obi Wan Kenobi
Tucker is shocked
But…but…Putin openly endorsed Komrade Kamala…very strongly. Many say Sir, it is the strongest endorsement a communist has ever made.
Felonious Order of Police