• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Other than the age difference, what is wrong with her? Is she a mean person? Two_faced? Is she stupid? Lazy? Treat him like he’s a sugar daddy whose only goal is to spoil her? Does she behave like a 16 year old that’s going to grow up to be an awful adult? You didn’t really give any reason for being against this relationship and for thinking less of him other than the age difference, which I’m not sure is a valid reason to think less of either of them if they are happy together.

  • I think you need a new keyboard lol. Did you mean ataraxia?

    Another word I haven’t heard until now, but yes, I do support this attitude to life. I think I’ve learnt it from my ex. Sometimes bad things happen that are beyond your control and lamenting them is a waste of time, which can be much better spent on trying to figure if there is anything that can be done about the loss or adversity. And if nothing can be done, move on to enjoying other things in life.

    I was interested to read that in ancient times, ataraxia was the ideal state for soldiers heading for battle. You can be sure as hell that if I was about to face the prospect of killing others or being killed, ataraxia would be the last mental state I’d be in!

  • No. I came up with this myself as I was pondering the world, the universe, how there is no evidence of any god existing, and how the best science we have tells us that we are just matter and energy inhabiting spacetime. But matter arranged in such fantastically improbable way that we can feel happiness. Why waste the precious moments we’ve been given on doing anything other than striving to feel happiness? Which of course can come in different forms for every one of us.

    I’ve just had a quick search, I guess your message has a typo and you meant Epicureanism? It is similar to how I feel about life, but it seems to say that lack of pain and fear is enough to consider oneself happy. I’d go a bit further and postulate active pursuit of things that positively make you or fellow sentient beings feel pleasure.

  • I guess the difference between the prohibition in the US and this bill, is that the alcohol prohibition banned it to everyone at once. People who were used to drinking or down right alcoholics had a strong incentive to obtain alcohol from somewhere, so there was a market for the underground moonshine producers. This bill isn’t targeting people who are already addicted to nicotine, but rather aims at preventing people developing the addiction in the first place, so I can imagine the market for underground tobacco growers or smugglers will be much smaller and less profitable. I am optimistic that this approach will be more successful than the 20s in America, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  • UK. Cold and hot water coming from separate taps. WTF? I was once told that it is because hot water boilers used to have their tops open to the outside, which meant the hot water could contain some debris, so it was important to use it only for washing and not let it mix with cooking water. But in bathrooms in some modern builds that definitely don’t use that kind of boilers you still get separate taps. I told one of my British colleagues about how it’s been bothering me since I moved here and she said “oh yeah, I never realised that I’ve never seen that in any other country”. She also told me that kids are just taught to wash their hands quickly under the hot tap, so that they don’t run the water long enough for it to turn scolding hot. WTactualF?