I liked it and am glad for the diversity it introduced.
I liked it and am glad for the diversity it introduced.
Hudu the Vudu that yudu?
God please let us put a fucking leash on these assholes dominating our time. I don’t want to be convinced non-stop that you’re voting in my best interest, I want to see my best interests enacted. I want a representative democracy that allows me to trust that my representatives are going to represent my community as a whole, not some twisting tendril of black or white districts intended to game the system. And it’s so fucking absurd that we have somehow convinced ourselves that our Constitution intended for corporations to be treated as people or for money to be treated as free speech. Millions and billions spent convincing us that millions and billions need to be spent. It’s complete lunacy and we’re all cool with it?
We’re too insulated to care too much, because it mostly doesn’t affect our day to day lives. And we have a pretty big election coming up in like 6 weeks, so it makes sense that most Americans online would talk about that.
Damn, great job. I got an airbrush as a gift recently but I’m too wary of it to try it out. Any unexpected difficulties?
Wait, which country’s?
Which is crazy, because we have a second amendment right for that very reason. smh
I have no problems with it, so I guess I’m some sort of savant? There is such thing as good and bad UI, but I think this is a case of ‘what you’re used to’ causing problems with ‘what is.’
Urban density leads to public transit, pass it on
My Instinct 2 is chefs kiss and I’m gonna wear it until it dissolves off my wrist
Beautiful country, good race car drivers.
Oh, I thought you were asking why people were carrying wallets. My ID is in there, is my reason. I can’t carry my credentials on my phone, so a slim wallet is my answer.
Hey, we vote on it this year. Here’s hoping!
Surely this will change their minds.
/s, unfortunately
Yeah, it’s dumb, but this isn’t the thing to call him out on. The videos posted were just of his stupid ramblings that the audience clearly took as funny. Where’s the slurred speech? Show me some clear indicators like the two-handed water drinking a while back.
How do you see this change impacting the overall experience? When you say that the single player mentality is ruining MMOs, what features or gameplay decisions are you picturing?
Yes, I’m sure he meant an economic bloodbath. 🙄
As a former teenage boy, sometimes it’s really just soap and soap scum and dirt and whatever else caught in the hair rather than anything else.
Also, for anyone caught in a sticky situation, cold water to keep the proteins from denaturing and getting sticky in the first place, and if all else fails use shampoo to try to emulsify it to stick to the water instead of the floor, to make little sewer babies with your neighbors.
Car-centric infrastructure, baybee! Better have those credentials or you might get shot or imprisoned! Or both!
I wouldn’t buy them but I think they look neat. Awful Taste But Great Execution.