Writer, poet, creative dabbler, geek, cycling and star trek fan. Tends to ramble on about things she likes.

(the username was a suggestion from a url generator for a writing related website, and I immediately made it my nickname all over the internet)

  • 8 Posts
Joined vor 2 Jahren
Cake day: 11. Juni 2023


  • The only way to build towards a dream like that is two things, imho

    1. Save money. Take high paying jobs you may not like much to just save up.

    2. Learn. Read books on gardening, on simple living, on maintaining and restoring a home, and watch YouTubers who live the life you want to live and see the downsides of it too. (For the latter, Tyler and Todd might be a good fit, they are building a container home in the middle of the woods and they do show the setbacks as well as the triumphs)

  • This could be me. I first really fell in love in my thirties. Before that I had book boyfriends. Characters who I related to because of how they were written.

    I didn’t know what aromantic/asexual was at the time, but they both fit me. I’m now married to a man who is my best friend and who accepts me as I am.

    And being aro/ace doesn’t mean that I don’t have feelings. I do. I just have no idea whatsoever on how to express them and still feel like me, I guess?

  • Came here to answer PTerry too. I cherish his books (going to re-read them all again soon). I love the way he gave the fantasy genre an unadulterated joy. His books are the only ones that can make me cry with laughter, even on trains where I try to behave 😀 Also, he’s the only author who made me want to read footnotes 😂

    The world got a little darker when he died.

  • I could never carry an A5 around. I have both an a5 watercolour and sketchbook on my desk, but for on the go I use an A6 sketchbook if I want to sit longer for sketching as it’s a hardcover, but usually my notebook is my go-to.

    And I’ve had a similar convo with myself about writing things down, but if I don’t, I get overwhelmed and forget. And yes, I do remember the important stuff I write down, but I think it’s a good thing, because it stays in the forefront of my mind until I check it off 😀