Why the fuck would anyone care about wasteful space colonization and the next million years when we aren’t even close to solving our current problems?
Renewables are significantly cheaper than nuclear and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The “cheap nuclear energy” Germany got a few decades ago isn’t as cheap if you include the costs of managing the nuclear waste. By the way, Germany intends to find - not build - a long term nuclear waste storage construction site by 2070. Right now the “temporary” solution of dumping everything into caves is used.
Once we start colonizing space - and only then - does it make sense to start discussing the viability of nuclear energy. That will be centuries off.
Tips keep the system afloat. The reason there aren’t mass strikes demanding an end to tips is because the system works for most.
Sure, racial minorities are significantly discriminated against and many will receive hardly minimum wage with tips but the majority of tipped workers is fine with it. And that’s all that is required for an unjust system to persist.