Done. It should take a while to propagate to every instance.
Keep in mind tho, this is an unofficial community.
I also use and
Done. It should take a while to propagate to every instance.
Keep in mind tho, this is an unofficial community.
I think you’d be better off using the Boolean XOR tool from the same Split submenu (if you approach it from the Part menubar in the Part workbench), on your cube and your array, instead of the Slice apart tool.
Then on the resultant XOR object use the Explode compound tool from the Compound submenu.
You’ll get a folder with all your sliced parts in it.
Akshually, it’s a giraffe with a leather jacket and a mohawk.
I am. :)
Most of the subscribers here are new as well since the recent reddit exodus, I’d say that makes them active.
Indeed. However, they are also very slow (usually around 30 km/h) and more importantly very slow to change that speed (cargo ships starts braking 5-10 km before port). The ships’ engines aren’t doing a ton of work themselves either, per unit of time.
Work per time is power in physics. A ship like this has an engine of about 100 000 horse power per google, which is about 400 cars’ worth of power. And 10th of that is about 40 cars. Which matches thereabouts a huge sail in a strong wind at large altitude in the open ocean like this, I think. Back of the envelope math checks out.
That’s human-powered right? I think i can see the chain there (plus why else have that seating setup if not for pedaling).
Judging by the size of that cargo section it must be pretty hard pedaling all that stuff in the back, assuming it’s heavy packages. Seems like a workout. But then again, it’s sort of like a rickshaw I guess, so doable? I hope the driver is paid extra accordingly. I assume it also has some gearing system that makes it easier on the legs but extra slow.
If it has an extra electric engine somewhere in there tho, why even have the pedals? Maybe the pedals are just for the empty trip back.
Overall I don’t hate it (let me rephrase that: I like it!), but I’m not the one pedaling. :D
Can’t say I have.
However, I originally made this community back in the day when was basically the only instance, and have since then moved my account to another instance (2 years ago) specifically for those same reasons of being… hmm… politically charged.
I didn’t think of moving the community until now tbh, but that’s not really something I can do. At most I could sticky a link to another community, or delete this one (which would be overkill imo), but for that to happen there needs to be a different community to begin with and community interest for it to happen. The power’s all yours people. It’s up to you guys to show interest and initiative. Maybe make a post about this, and check if there’s interest, discuss where to move etc, a meta post like this is totally fine here on /c/freecad.
Anyway, on a completely unrelated note, the community image did update after awhile, but in the wrong direction! It was the new logo on for awhile, where my account is, but now I see that when the things synced the old image overwrote the new one on! I guess I can’t change the image as a mod from another instance. I will have to mod my old account here now to change the image (and hopefully it will stick this time around, assuming it works at all) but I will have to make a bug report on github about this when I find the time.
Sorry for the late reply tho.