Pleasantly surprised by the cheapest Bikeroo helmet. Pretty disturbed by the counterfeit $300 one.
We bought a Bluey helmet at Wally world for my toddler when he was learning (we started during a vacation and options were limited). The glue holding the adjustable headband in softens in the sun, then glued his hair to the helmet. So that’s gone now.
Looking forward to VT testing kids helmets. Seems like something that would have already been done, since we’ve had kids bike helmets since the 80s (when I started wearing one).
If you’re still looking for a decent bicycle helmet, I’d recommend Bell or Giro. Ideally, get something that’s MIPS rated, but they can be a little pricier.
The Bluey helmet might have actually been a Schwinn. It has I think the identical molding and hardware as this one. I know Schwinn isn’t what it used to be (I assume the name was sold off to a holding company years ago), but it still seems like they should be better than the alphabet soup brands on Amazon.
That’s awesome, good job! Schwinn is kind of weird, from what I’ve read they do still actually make some good stuff but the majority of it is big box store garbage assembled by underpaid, overworked stock clerks. Definitely not what they used to be though.
Pleasantly surprised by the cheapest Bikeroo helmet. Pretty disturbed by the counterfeit $300 one.
We bought a Bluey helmet at Wally world for my toddler when he was learning (we started during a vacation and options were limited). The glue holding the adjustable headband in softens in the sun, then glued his hair to the helmet. So that’s gone now.
Looking forward to VT testing kids helmets. Seems like something that would have already been done, since we’ve had kids bike helmets since the 80s (when I started wearing one).
If you’re still looking for a decent bicycle helmet, I’d recommend Bell or Giro. Ideally, get something that’s MIPS rated, but they can be a little pricier.
Yeah he’s already upgraded to a MIPS helmet.
The Bluey helmet might have actually been a Schwinn. It has I think the identical molding and hardware as this one. I know Schwinn isn’t what it used to be (I assume the name was sold off to a holding company years ago), but it still seems like they should be better than the alphabet soup brands on Amazon.
That’s awesome, good job! Schwinn is kind of weird, from what I’ve read they do still actually make some good stuff but the majority of it is big box store garbage assembled by underpaid, overworked stock clerks. Definitely not what they used to be though.