Je vous partage une question un peu technique depuis :

Interesting excerpt of Belgian law:

§ 3. La fonction de membre du service de médiation est incompatible avec :
1° un mandat public rémunéré;
2° un mandat public conféré par des élections;
3° la profession d’avocat;
4° la fonction de notaire, magistrat ou huissier de justice;
5° un mandat ou une fonction au sein : …

(en; machine translation)

§ 3. The member of the mediation service is incompatible with:
1° a paid public mandate;
2° a public mandate conferred by elections;
3° the legal profession;
4° the function of notary, magistrate or judicial officer;
5° a warrant or function within: …

Item ③ is a bit surprising. I think I would want mediators to have as much legal background as possible since it is those skills that are used. What am I missing?

Or is it just that mediators cannot work in the legal field in parallel to their mediation gig due to potential conflicts of interest like representing an entity who may need mediation?

  • Servais (il/le)
    2 months ago

    En plus ne parler ni français ni néerlandais en Belgique ça n’aide pas non plus…